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[ UK /flˈæmbə‍ʊ/ ]
  1. a flaming torch (such as are used in processions at night)

How To Use flambeau In A Sentence

  • The stars had come out and the fireworks that announced the Festival were flying up in the sky and littering the big black nothing with flambeau and coruscation.
  • Côté prestations devant public: nous sommes passés 4 fois au grand plaisir du public ! et dans la soirée , un défilé aux flambeaux, magnifique , devant le château illuminé ! Le Chouans en Avant, Bivouac à Sully sur Loire
  • And Jos creaked up the stairs to bedward, followed by Kirsch with a flambeau. Vanity Fair
  • When the procession filed out priests perfumed the coffin with incense and sprinkled it with holy water, acolytes bore aloft their flambeaux, and the choir, now seen to be robed in black, sang epicedial hymns. The Life of Sir Richard Burton
  • Many a private chair, too, inclosing some fine lady, monstrously hooped and furbelowed, and preceded by running – footmen bearing flambeaux — for which extinguishers are yet suspended before the doors of a few houses of the better sort — made the way gay and light as it danced along, and darker and more dismal when it had passed. Barnaby Rudge
  • _ Mrs. Behn (or, haply, George Jenkins, the first editor of _The Widow Ranter_), here uses the ordinary form 'flambeaux' as a plural. The Works of Aphra Behn Volume IV.
  • A celestial cavalier, armed cap-a-pie, preceded by a celestial flambeau, descends from the height of the empyrean, conducts the publican to the lake in the midst of storms, drives away all the soldiers who guard the shore, and gives Theodotus time to fish up the seven old women and to bury them. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • The king found her “more beautiful than ever, in the shadows of the night, and the dancing light of flambeaux and her diamonds.” Champlain's Dream
  • The big shoulders, black brows and black mousquetaire swagger of Flambeau were a great contrast. The Complete Father Brown
  • He got one glimpse of the _sans culottes_, appealed again to the De Chenier macer in his ancestry, and flung the flambeau at the first who entered. Doom Castle
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