How To Use Firebreak In A Sentence
Allowing people whose properties back on to the forest to keep their lawns watered would create a natural firebreak, said Calder.
The only option for the section was to create a firebreak around the equipment and wait until the fire passed.
Although the main purpose of these roads is to provide all-weather access, they can also serve as effective firebreaks if vegetation is kept to a minimum or eliminated.
The precautions will include fire compartmenting, which is quite expensive and will involve a great deal of work because we will have to build firebreak walls to contain the house in compartments.
Using a firebreak as a foot path, the men moved up the 1, 350-foot peak.

Even the channel proved inadequate as a firebreak, as strong winds carried burning debris over two kilometres to Bruny Island to start fresh fires.
The imposing stone structure served as a firebreak during the 1948 fire and the neighbouring presbytery, built of timber was saved from the flames.
Making a stand with his firefighters from the Fleet Bridge and down to the Thames, James hoped that the River Fleet would form a natural firebreak.
Crews worked on a firebreak in a nearby canyon to try to cut off an eastward route for the fire.
A firebreak follows a tributary burn, the Shiel Rig Burn, and this leads onto the grassy west ridge of Shalloch on Minnoch.
But a driving east wind fanned the flames across firebreaks, and, despite the efforts of ward and parish officials and the lord mayor, they soon became uncontrollable.
Firefighters are now using bulldozers to build massive firebreaks around threatened mountain resorts.
Tinkering in his blacksmith shop, he created a tool that's half ax, half mattock, and ideal for digging firebreaks.
These builders had a contractual duty to build this wall so as to act as a firebreak.
Something tells me they'd bulldoze a damn big firebreak at one of the passes before letting the thing get down here.
No one yet has identified how big the firebreak would have to be, but it could easily encompass not only portions of Michigan but areas of Ohio and Indiana.
The Home Paddock was nothing less than a gigantic circular firebreak.
Instead of going it alone, we Australians should put the firebreak behind us and co-operate with other countries seeking international solutions to these problems.
They opened firebreaks in lower areas, around 1,600m above sea level, to prevent the fire from spreading down the mountain.
As a consequence, the fire regime has been influenced by an increase in ignition sources, by changes in the fuel load, and by the creation of firebreaks.
Large firebreaks are being cut into the Park destroying habitat important to endangered and threatened species.
The FWS had prohibited ‘disking’ firebreaks and farming in designated rat habitat, and the Domenigonis had allowed rat habitat to grow by fallowing their fields.
If the tree canopy goes on fire, go to the far side of a firebreak (man-made or natural such as a river) and try to prevent sparks starting a fire in your area.
‘About 150 firefighters are working 12-hour shifts and are in the process of beating, making firebreaks and dousing the flames with hoses,’ Gous said.
Firefighters are now using bulldozers to build massive firebreaks around threatened mountain resorts.
Ian, the sanctuary manager, has been busy on the grader putting the finishing touches to a firebreak.
Crews worked on a firebreak in a nearby canyon to try to cut off an eastward route for the fire.
Tinkering in his blacksmith shop, he created a tool that's half ax, half mattock, and ideal for digging firebreaks.
The neutron bomb was not only squelched, but all development stopped as a matter of policy because it was even worse than low-yield nuclear warheads in eroding the nuclear firebreak.
These include preparation of firebreaks, maintenance of fire-fighting equipment, and liaison with neighbours and a fire protection officer in the area when a fire breaks out.