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final payment

  1. the final payment of a debt

How To Use final payment In A Sentence

  • It can submit application for the final payment upon project completion.
  • The interim dividend is being boosted by nearly half although the final payment is weightier.
  • A stock exchange spokeswoman declined to reveal the buyer pending final payment, which should occur within 10 days.
  • Please note final payment is due before Thursday, August 15.
  • Your final payment extinguishes your debt and you are mortgage-free - guaranteed.
  • On the one hand, a victim can take BP's offer of short-term help for current losses and then, later, a final payment, one condition of which is that he or she forgoes the right to sue BP in the future. Nan Aron: Will There Be Crude Justice or True Justice For Oil Spill Victims?
  • A stock exchange spokeswoman declined to reveal the buyer pending final payment, which should occur within 10 days.
  • The final payment and timing (two to four years) depends on asset sales and other realisations.
  • They came to an understanding on when final payment was to be made.
  • Final payments are now due on the parish pilgrimage to Lourdes, taking place from August 13 to August 18.
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