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filthy lucre

  1. shameful profit
    he would sell his soul for filthy lucre

How To Use filthy lucre In A Sentence

  • Filthy lucre has invaded the town, and its inhabitants would likely stomp over one another to get the last roast beast from the butcher.
  • That is why we hold in contempt those who, in the unbridled pride of their narcissistic haughtiness, for selfish interests, or even for filthy lucre in various places all over the world—even in our land a small group of such backsliders and traitors can be found - divorce and isolate themselves from their own people and its life and real interests and, with inexorable logic, become instruments of the antihumanistic forces of imperialism and, in its service, the heralds of disruption and discord among nations. Making the History of 1989
  • That you’d even think to mention the “filthy lucre” aspect shows how significant the skew is – people would criticize the guy for making money from his site. Adverpedia « BuzzMachine
  • What a shame it would be if racing ends in Ballybeggan Park - filthy lucre winning out over sportsmanship and pride in your home town achievements - sad if that happens to be the case.
  • The heart must be kept pure from fleshly lusts, all unchaste thoughts and desires; and from worldly lusts; covetousness is called filthy lucre; from all filthiness of flesh and spirit, all that which come out of the heart, and defiles the man. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • I was not the only person who felt betrayed by filthy lucre when the World Cup went to the satellite company.
  • When Helen looked blank she added, `The money, the filthy lucre, contributions. DEATH OF A NYMPH
  • The pursuit of filthy lucre, and a soupçon of booze, had created constant inspiration.
  • Easy for me to say, though, with so much filthy lucre in my pockets. SILENT JOE
  • But it's money, filthy lucre -- getting or spending or something... ` THE GOLDEN LION
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