How To Use film projector In A Sentence
- On one occasion he was discovered by the night watchman surrounded by neat piles of bits and pieces of a film projector.
- One of the villagers showed him an old-fangled film projector which his paternal grandfather had requisitioned to show movies to the villagers.
- With its 10 whitewood pews and four film projectors, the church serves as a 3-D museum and theater.
- Amanda returned to the microfilm projector and threaded in another spool, which contained an early reference to Pedro Aragon. TIES THAT BIND
- The film projector was heading for the skip and between us we saved it. Times, Sunday Times
- One of the villagers showed him an old-fangled film projector which his paternal grandfather had requisitioned to show movies to the villagers.
- He bought her a film projector and tried to design a game she could play with one hand. Consuelo & Alva: Love and Power in the Gilded Age
- It could include huge storehouses to keep deposit copies of all publications, search engines to maintain all important electronic communication in the realm of culture, and technological devices of all sorts used to transmit cultural products, from phonograph records and film projectors to floppy disks and computers — everything endangered by antiquation. 'The Great Book Massacre': An Exchange
- Gone from the center are the 16 mm film projectors, filmstrip projectors and all but one video editing machine of yesteryear.
- Mobile wall panels peel away to reveal film projectors and screens, and shifting lights cast shimmering patterns on the canvas roof.