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film director

  1. the person who directs the making of a film

How To Use film director In A Sentence

  • Meanwhile, in the ‘comedy,’ Melinda is the downstairs neighbor of an ambitious film director, Susan, and her nebbish husband, Hobie.
  • Considerations such as the above serve to explain why writers and film directors ‎ since George Orwell's 1984 have depicted the future, not as paradise regained, but as a ‎ series of dystopias and cacotopias (perhaps the most memorable, after Orwell's haunting ‎ novel, was Anthony Burgess's more 'lyrical' cacotopia, "A Clockwork Orange", which ‎ found the perfect director in Stanley Kubrick, the misanthrope of the twentieth century). ‎ The Incoherence of Progress
  • The film director humorously compared the number of people who rectified their name with the number of black-faced spoonbills, a protected migratory bird that overwinters in Taiwan.
  • The Senegalese film director and one of the founders of the Pan-African Film festival [FESPACO], Mahaman Johnson Traor is no more. Global Voices in English » India: Perspectives on Growing up in India
  • Housed in a building that was once home to film director Tim Burton and his production studio, Swing House also offers Public Address and equipment rentals, cartage and storage.
  • The prospect of his exit from the US also signals the end of a productive partnership with near-neighbour Stone, the cousin of film director Oliver Stone.
  • A "rat fink" was an insult, the crazed character created by pioneering artist / car designer "Big Daddy" Roth, and (as "Rat Pfink") the title mock-superhero in the film "Rat Pfink a Boo Boo" by legendary cult film director Ray Dennis Steckler, who also passed away recently. Music For Maniacs
  • This anti-Polonism on the part of misinformed novelists, script writers and film directors is revealed in shameful and slanderous distortions of history (Poles shown collaborating with the Nazis, assistance being withheld from the heroic Ghetto freedom fighters, etc., etc.). Poland and the Jews: An Exchange
  • It was his boyhood ambition/dream to become a film director.
  • Truffaut was an important film director of the French New Wave.
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