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field sport

  1. a sport that is played outdoors

How To Use field sport In A Sentence

  • The Dawnays, notable soldiers, were a cadet branch of The Viscounts Downe, and set Whitfield on its course of wonderful house parties for all the field sports.
  • During times of economic and political stability, on-the-field sports violence allows for tension release, through vicarious identification with the aggressor.
  • Fishermen have kept records of catches over the years and many naturalists and field sports people recorded sightings of mammals like the otter.
  • Field sports, including shooting, stalking and fishing, have long been an integral part of life in Scotland and many disciplines are synonymous with the country itself.
  • One thing is certain: it has a tendency to enervate both body and mind, and were it not for the revivifying effects produced by a winter residence in the country, where gentlemen take to field sports, and ladies to razeed dresses, sensible shoes, and constitutional walks, the mortality among our "upper ten thousand" would, I believe, be frightful. Lands of the Slave and the Free Cuba, the United States, and Canada
  • The author may himself be an experienced field sportsman, but we do not here sense the eternal passion of the venerer or his peculiar affinity with his quarry.
  • He is a passionate and eloquent defender of field sports and his argument that hare coursing and bullfighting are both in the general interest of the species is persuasive.
  • The plans for developing the area include provision for both water and field sports.
  • The plans for developing the area include provision for both water and field sports.
  • The plans for developing the area include provision for both water and field sports.
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