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field crop

  1. a crop (other than fruits or vegetables) that is grown for agricultural purposes
    cotton, hay, and grain are field crops

How To Use field crop In A Sentence

  • Because field crops, like potted plants, languish when they're over-watered, proper drainage is an important aspect of successful farming.
  • This is an excellent fertilizer material in high value horticultural crops, but would probably be too expensive for field crops.
  • Marigolds are in fact grown as field crops in Mexico to provide the US with chicken-feed to make egg yolks orangey.
  • They also damage field crops and frequently construct runways in lawns.
  • In the end, the pressures of horticultural crop and field crop farming are more similar than they are different.
  • Witch grass is an annual grass native to North America that infests field crops, small grains, grasslands, and a variety of other habitats.
  • Any compost containing grass clippings is used for field crops only.
  • An analysis for automatic classification of field crops-field corn and wheat, using the Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) scenes on July and August , 98, in Seneca County, New York state is presented.
  • This comes during a growing season that has been reasonably favorable to California field crops like lettuce.
  • They grow wet rice and dry-field crops (cassava, corn, yams, peanuts, and soybeans).
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