How To Use fibrillate In A Sentence
- Tim Russert may very well be alive right now if office staff had defibrillated him on-the-spot! Remembering Tim Russert |
- The patient's heart had to be defibrillated to save his life
- Survival depends on how fast you're defibrillated and receive chest compressions. Ben Sherwood: Michael Jackson RIP: Does Anyone Survive Sudden Cardiac Arrest?
- Wade Phillips is responsible for two of those three things, and at 1-7 Jones was right to do anything he thought might defibrillate his team into action. Jerry Jones: Architect of mediocrity, enabler of failure
- Well you’re just a little too sure of a world that fibrillates who knows when and for who knows what can never ever de-lineate history and anyone who says one can is..well living in a world of thought and rather divorced from what i might stupidly dare to call physical reality. The Vegetarian Myth | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
- They contain oval nuclei, and the cell protoplasm is finely fibrillated. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1c. 3. The Accessory Organs of the Eye
- Some manufacturers have developed combinations of monofilaments and fibrillated fibers; others blend macrofibers and microfibers together.
- If you want them to defibrillate you so many times with the zappers that you start picking up high-def TV channels in your head, they'll do that for you as well. Health Care Guide for Complete Dummies
- The body of the nerve cell, known as the cyton, consists of a finely fibrillated protoplasmic material, of a reddish or yellowishbrown color, which occasionally presents patches of a deeper tint, caused by the aggregation of pigment granules at one side of the nucleus, as in the substantia nigra and locus cæruleus of the brain. IX. Neurology. 1. Structure of the Nervous System
- Like many Americans who want to help the president succeed, I'm waiting for the Big Idea to come out of the White House that will defibrillate our economy. Trey Ellis: We're So Ready to Believe Again, Part II