- any of several antigens that occur naturally in the fetus and sometimes in adults with cancer
How To Use fetoprotein In A Sentence
- It has a detection rate for Down's syndrome comparable with the more commonly used second-trimester screening using four serum markers (alphafetoprotein, [beta] hCG, unconjugated estriol, inhibin-A).
- Increased amniotic fluid alpha-fetoprotein in patients with fetal nuchal edema. Prenatal Diagnosis
- The test you describe is a simple blood test which can be evaluated for something called maternal serum alphafetoprotein.
- One clue to the presence of such a neoplasm is an elevated serum alpha - fetoprotein.
- Amniocentesis is performed for viral cultures, chromosomal analysis and alpha-fetoprotein levels. Hydrocephalus
- This screening usually entails ultrasound examinations of the liver and a blood test called alpha-fetoprotein AFP. DR. SANJIV CHOPRA’S LIVER BOOK
- The aims of this study were: To examine the presence of alphafetoprotein bearing tumour cells in PBSC harvests from advanced GCT patients obtained after multiple cycles of induction chemotherapy.
- Hallak M, O'Brien JE, Isada NB, Johnson MP, drugan A, Evans MI: Thyroid function does not alter maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein interpretation. Prenatal Diagnosis
- Serial examination of serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) levels as an additional screen for hepatoblastoma at least everythree months until the age of 4-5 years. Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
- The expression of MCM7 was also associated with tumor size and the value of alpha fetoprotein(AFP).