How To Use fetishize In A Sentence
- The key to watching the film was to realize it wasn't the story of the titular Lisbon sisters; rather it was the story of the boys who fetishized them.
- There are many reasons for it, some of them no doubt are religious or ethnic identification, but mostly they are the result of an intellectual movement that has fetishized "democracy" and become obsessed with the idea of muscularity and strength as the only way to spread that gospel. Hullabaloo
- To enact social transgression and a kind of hyperrealism, obscene language fetishizes certain words related to sex; the obscene word substitutes for the body part in question but, in the process, acquires the status of a fetish.
- As such, my own explanation is probably somewhat incomplete: in a culture with little privacy, intimate moments are fetishized.
- The piece points to various Web sites where unsafe sex is fetishized.
- Bright photographs fetishize hardship -- happy Natives fishing, pensive Natives in messy houses. Stephanie Woodard: The New Indian Fighters: Lt. Col. McCaskill and Major WaPo
- It becomes a fetishized ritual: Wait in the terminal, drive back to the hotel, return the next morning to the terminal to wait again. The Nightmare Of Real Things
- They have described how the Renaissance blazon expresses the desire to fetishize and idolize the female body by fragmenting the subjective Other and reshaping her as a figura for the male poet's autonomy.
- By delineating a distinction between being ‘in the Colony’ versus ‘of the people,’ Phayne fetishizes the boundary lines that Rye draws in relation to class privilege.
- In the past, training for white-collar professions was favored and emphasized, and titles and diplomas were fetishized.