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  1. capable of being fertilized

How To Use fertilizable In A Sentence

  • Her internal conditioning went something like this: He is the MAN so I have to do what he says because I am pushing thirty-three and I have to get married or else I will start to lose my looks and my fertilizable eggs. Mama Gena’s Marriage Manual
  • Furthermore, males would benefit, because there would be more fertilizable females available, which would increase EPC opportunities.
  • Plus, I guess it would affect whether the eggs are fertilizable or not. Ooops
  • Because female Collared Flycatchers only lay one clutch per season, the proportion of fertilizable females declines as the proportion of incubating females increase.
  • Outdoors: pasturelands, fields where cereals are grown, furrows ready for sowing, ricks (stacks of hay or straw), forages, arable land (especially if it is a little dry), fertilizable flat enriched soil, private gardens. Astrology for Enlightenment
  • This, and the consequent high ratio of sexually active males to fertilizable females, causes the males to be rather indiscriminate and the females to exert careful mate choice.
  • These sexual differences are reflected in the operational sex ratio; the ratio of fertilizable females to sexually active males at the site and time when mating occurs.
  • In women, the 300,000-400,000 ovarian primordial follicles at menarche serve as the source of fertilizable ova for the entire duration of reproductive life PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In order for that to happen, a woman has to have the right hormones in the right sequence in the right proportions to release an ovum, which needs to be fertilizable, have patent fallopian tubes to allow said fertilization to take place and with any luck transport it down to the uterus, but we’re not talking about ectopic pregancies here at the moment and have a cervix not hostile to the sperm. More on “pro-life” and feminism
  • One factor long hypothesized to influence the skew in male mating success in a population is the temporal distribution of fertilizable females.
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