How To Use Ferber In A Sentence
- Mr. Ferber speaks of the pleasure he received in observing in the buds of Hepatica and pedicularis hirsuta yet lying hid in the earth, and in the gems of the shrub daphne mezereon, and at the base of osmunda lunaria a perfect plant of the future year, discernable in all its parts The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
- He published his own poetry as well as international lit-wigs Allen Ginsberg, Norman Mailer, Gregory Corso and East Village luminaries like Ted Berrigan in a zine called Fuck You/A Magazine of the Arts. In late 1964, he and brother poet Tuli Kupferberg co-founded the Fugs, the name borrowed from Mailer's fornicatory euphemism. Michael Simmons: Ed Sanders: The American Bard Takes On Katrina
- Almost the entire iron-manganese tungstate series appears to be represented in these deposits; the most common is manganese-bearing ferberite.
- There were shops full of green and purple fluorite, ferberite and arsenopyrite, and spessartine and stibnite.
- Today, the production of ferberite and other metal concentrates is about 1,500 tons annually.
- Tungsten ores contain tungsten principally in the form of the minerals scheelite (calcium tungstate), ferberite (iron tungstate), hübnerite The Economic Aspect of Geology
- There were shops full of green and purple fluorite, ferberite and arsenopyrite, and spessartine and stibnite.
- There are exceptions, such as German manganite, some Bolivian and Chinese cassiterite, Russian ilvaite, Brazilian and Namibian schorl, Panasqueira ferberite, and rutile, especially that from Graves Mountain, Georgia.
- Tungsten ores contain tungsten principally in the form of the minerals scheelite (calcium tungstate), ferberite (iron tungstate), hübnerite The Economic Aspect of Geology
- Ferber's brief description of the African American woman, Princess, who performs domestic work for Fannie, reinforces both racial biologism and environmental determinism.