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fenugreek seed

  1. aromatic seeds used as seasoning especially in curry

How To Use fenugreek seed In A Sentence

  • When fenugreek seeds are moistened with water they become slightly mucilaginous and hence the tea made from them has the power to dissolve sticky substances such as mucus. Natural Remedies for Reducing Fever
  • You can grow them yourself from mung beans, brown lentils, chickpeas, fenugreek seeds or alfalfa seeds.
  • Fibre present in vegetables, fruits, legumes and fenugreek seeds is soluble in nature and more effective in controlling blood sugar and serum lipids.
  • The formula contained nettle leaf, violet leaf, wild oat seed, chamomile flowers, cleavers and fenugreek seed added to warm spearmint tea or diluted juice.
  • One of them is fenugreek seed extract, a traditional herb medicine for treating diabetes.
  • You can grow them yourself from mung beans, brown lentils, chickpeas, fenugreek seeds or alfalfa seeds.
  • Popularly known as methi, fenugreek seeds are an essential spice of an Indian kitchen.
  • In the first study, subjects ate meals with or without 100 g of defatted fenugreek seed powder, divided into two equal doses, for 10 days.
  • The formula contained nettle leaf, violet leaf, wild oat seed, chamomile flowers, cleavers and fenugreek seed added to warm spearmint tea or diluted juice.
  • The formula contained nettle leaf, violet leaf, wild oat seed, chamomile flowers, cleavers and fenugreek seed added to warm spearmint tea or diluted juice.
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