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female genitalia

  1. external female sex organs
    in England `fanny' is vulgar slang for female genitals

How To Use female genitalia In A Sentence

  • Those unfamiliar with the term "intersex" may still recognize the term "hermaphrodite" -- a single human possessing both male and female genitalia -- which is one variety of intersexuality. The Full Feed from
  • Generative adoration refers to the cultural phenomenon that people worship at the male and female genitalia to beget and conceive offspring.
  • Those unfamiliar with the term "intersex" may still recognize the term "hermaphrodite" -- a single human possessing both male and female genitalia -- which is one variety of intersexuality. The Full Feed from
  • The blame lies with the plant's appearance – it has speckled leaves and its flowers are well-hidden, but their spathe (the special leaf that protects the flowers of an arum) and spadix (the spike on which the flowers are arranged), are said to resemble male and female genitalia. The power of spring flowers
  • Most het women only see female genitalia in photographs and video.
  • Honda originally intended to name the car Fitta, but did not take a liking to the word's meaning in some languages - in Swedish and Norwegian, "fitta" or "fitte" is a rather crude slang term for female genitalia - resulting in a last-minute change. 13 Unfortunate Translations That Harmed Brand Reputations
  • Some people speculate that, in some species,(Sentencedict) it's actually there to do damage to the female genitalia so as to ensure she won't mate again in a hurry.
  • Innocuous slang for the gluteus maximus in the U.S., the word is an obscenity in the U.K. and Australia, where it refers to female genitalia. With Fanny Packs on the Runway, Can Mom Jeans Be Far Behind?
  • Instead, it means female genitalia in Northern Spain and parts of Portugal.
  • In Hayes' study, African clawed frog tadpoles exposed to levels of atrazine commonly found in the environment were demasculinized and turned into hermaphrodites - creatures with both male and female genitalia.
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