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fellow worker

  1. an associate that one works with

How To Use fellow worker In A Sentence

  • Worse still, the automobile assembly line makes each man a threat rather than a resource to his fellow worker. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • Fellow workers also have their suspicions because his behaviour is irrational and his productivity erratic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Timothy my fellow worker greets you, and so do Lucius and Jason and Sosipater, my kinsmen.
  • Fellow workers helped me rush her to the hospital.
  • If one of us has an area of distress our fellow workers "razz" that person, allowing a lot of laughter to bubble off the distress. A PRIMER ON UNLEARNING CLASSISM
  • Pray that the missionary may refuse to hear any accusations from Satan against his fellow workers and believers.
  • Greet Urbanus , our fellow worker in Christ, and Stachys my beloved.
  • His fellow workers listened to his adventure story with / in disbelief.
  • Heart to heart chats conduce to the establishment of harmonious atmosphere among fellow workers.
  • Nor could he recover if his injury was inflicted upon him by a fellow worker.
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