How To Use Felis manul In A Sentence
- Among listed birds and mammals are: golden eagle Aquila chrysaetus, imperial eagle Aquila heliaca, peregrine Falco peregrinus, black-winged stilt Himantopus himantopus, snow leopard Uncia uncia (EN, Globally threatened), manul cat Felis manul, Mongolian gazelle Procapra guttorosa; (LR, Globally Threatened) and Altai argali Ovis ammon ammon (VU, Globally Threatened). Golden Mountains of Altai, Russian Federation
- The dry mountainous valleys in Khorason province represent typical habitat for some of the smaller wild cats, and the now rare manul cat (Felis manul) was once more widespread in eastern and northeastern Iran. Kuhrud-Kohbanan Mountains forest steppe