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  1. United States cartoonist who created a sarcastic comic strip (born in 1929)

How To Use Feifer In A Sentence

  • They took Nellie down to the tracks, but were most upset to find she wouldn't fit and while they were wondering what ever to do they were gently scooped up by the cowcatcher of the Elmer K. Pheffenfeifer, which was just pulling out for the Deep South. Archive 2007-09-01
  • The Pfeifer single-action revolver is chambered for the .600 Nitro Express cartridge. And Now, A Really Manly Handgun
  • The Pfeifer site also has another extreme firearm, the magically named "Liliput" .22 Hornet, which at 1.3 kilograms and 91 cm in length is, it goes without saying, "die absolut leichteste Schonzeitbüchse überhaupt. And Now, A Really Manly Handgun
  • In 1992 Pfeifer and others found that a factor could be identified in xenografts from G. cydonium that cross-reacted immunologically with an antibody raised against a mammalian tumor necrosis factor.
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