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feedback loop

  1. a circuit that feeds back some of the output to the input of a system

How To Use feedback loop In A Sentence

  • The remaining hormones reviewed in this chapter are not coupled to tropic neuropeptides, but each has its own regulatory feedback loop that involves the hormone, a plasma component, and a target tissue.
  • British tennis continues in its closed feedback loop of smugness and failure. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition, traders say there was something of a feedback loop between commodities and currencies, where huge declines in prices of silver and oil went hand-in-hand with a short-term scramble to buy dollars. Declining Dollar Gets a Reprieve
  • These all act as extensions of our own brains, forming what Malafouris describes as a "metaplastic" system - a feedback loop between our brain's own neurology and the cultural and material demands on it. Will Designer Brains Divide Humanity?
  • Deviancy amplification is achieved by means of a relatively simple positive feedback loop.
  • A standard improvement on this feedback loop is shown next.
  • There appears to be a feedback loop linking the intensification of agriculture, the acquisition of wealth, and the emergence of hierarchy.
  • They're locked in a feedback loop, a tangled form of denial.
  • In a complex queue, directionality is not programmed in; instead it is produced through a system of switches and feedback loops and so on.
  • As CCL20 is activated by Th17 cytokines, the upregulation of CCL20 production by Trim32 provides a positive feedback loop of CCL20 and Th17 activation in the self-perpetuating cycle of psoriasis. Naturejobs - All Jobs
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