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[ US /ˈfɛdɝəɫi, ˈfɛdɹəɫi/ ]
[ UK /fˈɛdəɹə‍li/ ]
  1. by federal government
    it's federally regulated

How To Use federally In A Sentence

  • We examined nest-patch vegetation of the Golden - cheeked Warbler, a federally endangered migratory songbird.
  • Medicare is a federally administered program of health benefits for elderly and disabled persons.
  • A federally protected sand tiger shark and its entourage of cigar minnows haunt the waters near the wreck of the U. S. Coast Guard Cutter Spar, south of Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina.
  • Schools could be federally funded to bus children to exercise at clubs.
  • They will have to bring with them some other federally approved form of identification, like a passport.
  • Government attitudes Federally and among the States and Territories is clear: you help yourselves and we'll help you.
  • Advocates of the proposal - mostly federally chartered banks - contend the move would simplify the disjointed and confusing home-buying process.
  • However, this federally restricted use of the word research does not mean that the observations from personal life (herein called Type I Investigations) or experimenter pretesting (Type II Investigations) are either unimportant or uninformative and should therefore be dismissed. The Sacred Promise
  • Medicare is a federally administered program of health benefits for elderly and disabled persons.
  • A permanent ban on funding of abortions through federally subsidized Indian health programs was actually approved by the Senate the last time that the Indian health reauthorization was on the Senate floor in amendable form (the Vitter Amendment, adopted February 26, 2008), but that legislation was never enacted. Matthew Yglesias » Catholic Health Association Head Backs Reform
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