How To Use fedayeen In A Sentence
- Among them: the founders of Lashkar-e-Tayyiba, or Army of the Pious, infamous for its suicidal infiltrations of Indian Army camps by heavily armed guerrillas (known as fedayeen) disguised in military uniforms. The Jihad Next Door
- They have consistently tried to degrade the political structure there, the Baath Party, the ruling Iraqi party, and the irregulars, and anytime they think they see a group gathering of Fedayeen or others, they try to target that either from the air or, if they can, by what they call aggressive in-and-out hit-and-run patrols into the city. CNN Transcript Apr 2, 2003
- Under interrogation, he's not likely to rat on his fedayeen, lead us to his hidden billions abroad or tell the truth about dirty dealings with France and Russia.
- But fierce resistance by irregular Iraqi units and so-called Fedayeen paramilitaries continues in towns and cities in central and southern Iraq.
- The delegitimization of resisting combatants is continued in accompanying descriptions of the activities of the fedayeen and other militias.
- During the 1960s, Palestinian resistance fighters were known as the fedayeen or those who sacrifice for a cause. Electronic Intifada : Palestine
- 'fedayeen' - whose aim is to kill as many as possible and to hold out as long as possible, knowing they will probably be killed - are now regarded by terrorist commanders as effective a weapon as the suicide bomber. Latest News Breaking News and Current News from the UK and World Telegraph
- All religious leaders have been talking of homosexuality as a disease , but nobody talks about the cancer of terrorism that they have created by their bigotry and narrow mindedness..the taliban, the fedayeen is a greater disease that kills without remorse and we spend a fortune to show that Justice prevails carrying bugger all for those that were gunned down by Kasab and his friends.. this is the travesty of justice , a system that is a terror in itself sending the wrong message home.. Archive 2009-07-01
- In the years following its rebirth in 1948, the small state of Israel faced regular deadly raids from marauding groups (called "fedayeen") -- sponsored by Jordan, Syria, and Egypt. The World's Deadly Obsession With Israel
- I saw what the murderous, brutal regime of Saddam Hussein wrought on that country through his party and their fedayeen henchmen. Letters to the Editor