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[ US /ˈfɔstʃən/ ]
  1. pertaining to or resembling or befitting Faust or Faustus especially in insatiably striving for worldly knowledge and power even at the price of spiritual values
    a Faustian pact with the Devil

How To Use Faustian In A Sentence

  • In making a pact with this devil, Lancaster County made a Faustian bargain.
  • Their veins pulse with Faustian blood.
  • The career of Tom Watson, who mutated from radical egalitarian to racist demagogue, is symbolic of the Faustian bargain of Southern populism. Matthew Yglesias » Obama on Affirmative Action
  • In making a pact with this devil, Lancaster County made a Faustian bargain.
  • A former secretary of labor in the Clinton administration, Reich is a Faustian political economist.
  • A former secretary of labor in the Clinton administration, Reich is a Faustian political economist.
  • In any case, this particular piece of namecalling seemed a bit rich coming, as it did, from an individual (a distinguished Cambridge geologist, surely well advanced along the Faustian road to a future Templeton Prize) who justified his own Christian belief by invoking what he called the historicity of the New Testament. The God Delusion
  • Prelude, "Ah, there is a blessing in the gentle breeze," which is closer in spirit — and suspiration — to the Faustian "ach" in Kittler's epoch of the organic muse. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • But in a moment of faustian proportions, I pretended to be straight.
  • But little by little, the Faustian fantasy shrinks away and the illusion of anticipating the future becomes an unceasing effort to foresee its perils.
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