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Fannie Mae

  1. a federally chartered corporation that purchases mortgages

How To Use Fannie Mae In A Sentence

  • Bloomberg reports that “Fannie Mae Chief Executive Officer Herb Allison is the leading candidate to run the Treasury office overseeing the $700 billion U.S. bank-rescue program”; Allison would replace Neel Kashkari. Wonk Room » The WonkLine: April 14, 2009
  • Jamie Dimon : JP-Morgan-Chef ist begeistert vom Euro - Unternehmen - Banken + Versicherungen - Jamie Dimon, Bernie Madoff and the public safety - Steve Denning - RETHINK - Forbes SitandStay 0 minute ago 9:38 AM Jamie Dimon, CEO Chase is calling Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac the biggest disasters? The Full Feed from
  • Like Barack Obama's "abetting" Wall Street corruption and silence on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac when John McCain tried to defuse the bomb. Waldo's Virginia Political Blogroll
  • That "likely will prohibit us from increasing the size of our mortgage portfolio to $850 billion, unless Treasury elects to amend or waive this limitation," Fannie Mae said in its filing.
  • Fannie Mae and the executives it is indemnifying are lawyering this case to death and impeding justice while swindling U.S. taxpayers, since the federal government, which took control of the company in 2008, is ultimately footing the bill. Fannie Mae, wasting taxpayers' money and time
  • The bigger danger is that Washington loses its credibility and gumption as it embarks on the truly hard stuff of reform: establishing a way to monitor systemic risk; safely winding down financial firms; etter handling the trading of credit default swaps; minimizing the unintended consequences of government-owned Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in the housing markets. Regulators' 'Reforms' Fall Flat
  • There was this billion dollar moment when the very same Pimco turned a massive about face on its much vaunted investment strategy of quality only, making huge investments in what was then widely recognized as quintessential junk, namely Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac subordinated debt. Raymond J. Learsy: Did Pimco Play a Role In S&P's Downgrade of U.S.Debt
  • But the GOP can easily counterpunch, noting the leading role that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two government-sponsored enterprises, had in bringing about the financial crisis. Obama's Strategy—And How to Fight It
  • Government created Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to "liquefy" the mortgage market AMERICAN.COM -- A Magazine of Ideas, Online
  • For the record, let's consider the Fannie and Freddie debacle: Barney Frank in 2003 said that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were not facing any kind of financial crisis ... then we have Bill Clinton who asserted that Democrats resisted standards for two institutions ... on the top of that we now have Obama who is a top recipient of Freddie and Fannie lobbies pushing for no-doc loans, nothing-down houses, equity-line hustles, phony appraisals, in short gleefully shaking the money tree in every direction they could. The Last Debt Orgy
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