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Fall of Man

  1. (Judeo-Christian mythology) when Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden, God punished them by driving them out of the Garden of Eden and into the world where they would be subject to sickness and pain and eventual death

How To Use Fall of Man In A Sentence

  • Moreover, did not Eve accomplish the Fall of Man in the eternal spring of Eden?
  • This urge to categorize was the true fall of man, for once the process was begun, there was no easy or natural return to sanity. THE BROKEN GOD
  • It's treats one shortcoming of a historiographic interpretation of the Fall narrative and is called Indiana Jones and the Fall of Man. Bible And Creation Around The Blogosphere
  • This urge to categorize was the true fall of man, for once the process was begun, there was no easy or natural return to sanity. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Its central boss depicts The Fall of Man showing Adam tempted by the fruit of the serpent-entwined tree.
  • After a short discussion, I was interested to realize that both my colleague and I had independently determined that the Fall (that is, the Edenic Fall of Man) was the relativistic de-centering of God and re-centering of the Self. Archive 2005-07-01
  • I never fully grasped the blameworthiness of Adam and Eve in the story of The Fall of Man. Augustine vs. Pelagius - Part One: Man, the Fall, and Original Sin | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • The poet, invoking the ‘Heav'nly Muse ’, states his theme, the Fall of Man through disobedience, and his aim, which is no less than to ‘justifie the wayes of God to men’.
  • Empty calories, fat and sodium deliver a triple whammy that is the downfall of many.
  • I dare say you respect me no more than I respect myself, George," he would say, in his candid way, and begin a very pleasant sardonical discourse upon the fall of man, and his faults, and shortcomings; and wonder why Heaven had not made us all brave and tall, and handsome and rich? The Virginians
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