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[ US /ˈfɔknɝ/ ]
  1. United States novelist (originally Falkner) who wrote about people in the southern United States (1897-1962)

How To Use Falkner In A Sentence

  • She thinks he's pretty cute and pretty neat, " Dan Falkner said.
  • She writes in a style reminiscent of both Proust and Falkner.
  • Kaffirs, Mongolians, Pahari and other tribes of India, etc. Falkner says (126) that among the Patagonians in cases of adultery the wife is not blamed, but the gallant is punished Primitive Love and Love-Stories
  • Then as Whitley remained silent, he continued: "This here's th 'house whar' Dickie Falkner war 'borned; an' whar 'his mammy died; an' -- an ' That Printer of Udell's
  • Then Falkner bound him hand and foot with the babiche thongs, and dragged him to the bunk.
  • Il film è opera di Paul Baaske, Sebi Falkner e Johannes Figlhuber, studenti della Fachhochschule Salzburg, Università delle scienze applicate. No Fat Clips!!! : Furball
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