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fake book

  1. a fake in the form of an imitation book; used to fill bookcases of people who wish to appear scholarly

How To Use fake book In A Sentence

  • The Chinese American writer Maxine Hong Kingston gave the nuanced reflection and the creative exploration on the issues of identity in her novel Tripmaster Monkey: His Fake Book.
  • Ah Sing is the hero of the novel Tripmaster Monkey—His Fake Book written by the famous Chinese-American woman writer Maxine Hong Kingston.
  • The first bootleg fake books, photostat collections of Tune-Dex cards, were published in 1949.
  • Ah Sing is the hero of the novel Tripmaster Monkey—His Fake Book written by the famous Chinese-American woman writer Maxine Hong Kingston.
  • He also claims he once distributed fake Booker Prize dinner invitations to down-and-outs, promising free booze, in the hope of causing mayhem when the derelicts tried to crash the do.
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