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fairy ring

  1. a ring of fungi marking the periphery of the perennial underground growth of the mycelium

How To Use fairy ring In A Sentence

  • But no sooner had the gaoler's feet touched the fairy ring, than he saw and heard like the rest, and he called lustily to the chaplain to come and stop the unhallowed measure. Old-Fashioned Fairy Tales
  • Now, miserable black dwellings, a black canal, and sick black towers of chimneys; now, a trim garden, where the flowers were bright and fair; now, a wilderness of hideous altars all a-blaze; now, the water meadows with their fairy rings; now, the mangy patch of unlet building ground outside the stagnant town, with the larger ring where the The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices
  • Then I found out the crook came over here straight after he visited the Fairy Ring.
  • Step into the fairy ring (which grows under apple trees) and you'll come to 20 years later, after a life wasted on scrumpy.
  • For the ancient Greeks and Romans, after a thunderbolt struck on the ground, mushrooms (single or gregarious, sometimes as fairy rings) such as boleti, puffballs, and tubers arose from it.
  • The British mushroom which was most dried in former times was the champignon or fairy ring mushroom.
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