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  1. a large bright spot on the sun's photosphere occurring most frequently in the vicinity of sunspots
  2. a bright spot on a planet

How To Use facula In A Sentence

  • • Regnabit Dominus in facula &c 4] Ante faecula re* gnavit Chriftus finecarne; regnavitefiam in carn* in faecula. Opera omnia sanctorum patrum graecorum: graece et latine
  • When the ascending currents are powerful, they give rise to the nuclei, to the penumbrae, to the faculae. Biographies of Distinguished Scientific Men
  • Although not easily discerned in telescopic views of the Sun, these features are brilliant enough that the overall effect of the combined spots and faculae is to boost irradiance levels.
  • : "Si autem velut a lumine lumina accensa sunt ... velut verbi gratia a facula faculæ, generatione quidem et magnitudine fortasse distabunt ab invicem; eiusdem autem substantive cum sint cum principe emissionis ipsorum, aut omnes impassibiles perseverant aut et pater ipsorum participabit passiones. History of Dogma, Volume 2 (of 7)
  • When the ascending currents are powerful, they create those appearances which astronomers designate the nuclei, the penumbrae, the faculae. The Story of the Herschels
  • Because there are brighter or more luminous parts of the sun's disk, called faculae by Scheiner and Hevelius, which would seem to be volcanos in the sun, or, as Dr. Wilson calls them, "eructations of matter more luminous than that which covers the sun's surface. The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
  • The sun is a very complicated object and although observations of faculae, sunspots, differential solar rotation, helmet streamers, coronal mass ejections, solar cycles, etc. have been made for many years, it is extremely difficult for us to understand these features because we do not have sufficient information e.g. local lateral boundary conditions to analytically describe or numerically model the individual objects such as a sunspot. IPCC and Solar Correlations « Climate Audit
  • Associated with sunspots are brighter areas called faculae.
  • It is also marked here and there by long streaks of light, called faculae, which look like foam flecks below a cataract. Remarks
  • Neque enim quæ postea accensa est facula, alterum lumen habebit quam illud quod ante eam fuit. History of Dogma, Volume 2 (of 7)
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