How To Use eyepatch In A Sentence
- Archangel is the gimmicky character, parading around in white outfits with his glasses-eyepatch, flying in white helicopters, and escorted by a bodacious coworker, also dressed in white.
- I just have to keep reminding myself that anyone can wear a dashing black turban and eyepatch.
- Maybe it's a good time to take a long position in grappling hooks, peglegs, eyepatches and parrots? This Week in Piracy
- The one-eyed have no depth perception, though André de Toth, director of one the first 3D movies, the 1953 House of Wax, was monocular, and he wasn't the only one-eyed director; Samuel Fuller, Nicholas Ray, Raoul Walsh and John Ford all sported eyepatches at one time or another – all of them pace the screamingly camp Johnny Guitar the sort of heavy-drinking he-men you don't often see coming out of film schools these days. Anne Billson – Cutter's Way and the great tradition of the film eyepatch
- Some say behind his eyepatch is a feed to NHL stats central. Kuklas Korner
- His most distinguishing feature, however, was a black eyepatch that crossed his forehead and covered his left eye.
- Note that the eyepatch is * not* CGI … - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState Note that the eyepatch is *not* CGI… - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
- On Sunday, the flags and fireworks were replaced with eyepatches and parrots, as hundreds of pirates arrived for a picnic.
- One of three siblings, her childhood was plagued by illnesses which left her with double vision and an eyepatch, and prone to hallucinations and visions.
- His left eye was covered with a black eyepatch, giving him a roguish look.