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  1. capable of being totally destroyed or wiped out

How To Use extirpable In A Sentence

  • It is the profound, incurable, and inextirpable bigotry of the English people, to which they will not hesitate to sacrifice the national honour, the public happiness, their own liberties, and their own consciences ... .... Travels in the Great Desert of Sahara, in the Years of 1845 and 1846
  • some weeds seem inextirpable
  • In his comparative study of religions, Legge exhibits his inextirpable exclusivism in his belief in Christianity; however, in his evaluation of Confucianism, he took a change from derision to respect.
  • In his comparative study of religions, Legge exhibits his inextirpable exclusivism in his belief in Christianity; however, in his evaluation of Confucianism, he took a change from derision to respect.
  • There is no explaining otherwise to them, and anything less inevitably produces indignation and an inextirpable sense of injustice. THE CLOSING OF THE AMERICAN MIND
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