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executive council

  1. a council that shares the supreme executive power

How To Use executive council In A Sentence

  • In drawing up the constitution of the new diocese, emphasis was put on the participation of the deaneries—represented by the dean and one elected layperson on the Executive Council. Archive 2007-07-01
  • I believe there's a possibility these letters have been forged because I can't find the originals," said the first-term assemblyman and state executive councillor. SARA - Southeast Asian RSS Aggregator
  • It provided for Kurdish legislative and executive councils, but real power was retained by the central government in Baghdad.
  • The Executive Council is the highest decision-making authority.
  • MSC's executive Council, executive committee and the working group, triple coordinate and assist each other.
  • Verina Weaver, executive councillor for social care, revealed how a number of people were caring for children fostered out by Essex.
  • President's nearest relatives have been proved to be concerned in the most flagrant jobs, only to be screened by his influence; such cases, for instance, as that of the Vaal River Water Supply Concession, in which Mr. Kruger's son-in-law 'hawked' about for the highest bid the vote of the Executive Council on a matter which had not yet come before it, and, moreover, sold and duly delivered the aforesaid vote. The Transvaal from Within A Private Record of Public Affairs
  • Five members of the Executive Council shall constitute a quorum.
  • Concession, in which Mr. Kruger's son-in-law 'hawked' about for the highest bid the vote of the Executive Council on a matter which had not yet come before it, and, moreover, sold and duly delivered the aforesaid vote. South Africa and the Transvaal War, Vol. 1 (of 6) From the Foundation of Cape Colony to the Boer Ultimatum of 9th Oct. 1899
  • Central government remained under the control of the viceroy's Executive Council, but in the provinces a measure of self-government was conceded through the system known as dyarchy.
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