- the study of methods of improving human well-being and efficient functioning by improving environmental conditions
How To Use euthenics In A Sentence
- A study of these long-lived families from another point of view will reveal that heredity is the primary factor and that good environment, euthenics, is the secondary one. Applied Eugenics
- He may fancy that the early death of a parent left the child without sufficient care, and that neglect, poverty, or some other factor of euthenics brought about the child's death. Applied Eugenics
- In general, euthenics, when not accompanied by some form of selection Applied Eugenics
- But this illustration certainly gives no ground for a belief that euthenics is sufficient to prolong one's life _beyond_ the inherited limit. Applied Eugenics
- [73] The entire field of race betterment and social improvement is divided between _eugenics_, which considers only germinal or heritable changes in the race; and _euthenics_, which deals with improvement in the individual, and in his environment. Applied Eugenics
- Euthenics:The study of the improvement of human functioning and well-being by improvement of living conditions.
- Because of the society is coming more and more modern, the defects of the trade crackers are very extrude: pollute the euthenics, wasteful, and so on. Boing Boing: May 6, 2001 - May 12, 2001 Archives
- In so far, then, as euthenics is actually providing man with more favorable surroundings, -- not with ostensibly more favorable surroundings which, in reality, are unfavorable -- there can be no antagonism between it and eugenics. Applied Eugenics
- In order to save the human race from mental illness and other social ills, Dr. Kellogg advocated the use of eugenics and euthenics, and he also advocated the use of a eugenics registry in order to keep the “races pure.” Crazy Genes
- If they had had more euthenics, they should have lived longer. Applied Eugenics