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  1. having a pleasant sound
    a euphonious trill of silver laughter

How To Use euphonous In A Sentence

  • As the tradition goes, while the commissioners were debating what they should call the town they were making, a wag suggested that it be named Vandalia, in honor of the Vandals, a tribe of Indians which, said he, had once lived on the borders of the Kaskaskia; this, he argued, would conserve a local tradition while giving a euphonous title. McClure's Magazine, Vol. 6, No. 3, February 1896
  • Indian names, which are euphonous, and very often musical; but, so far from it, they appear to have had a pleasure in dismissing them altogether. Diary in America, Series One
  • Indeed, the band's famously-honed instincts and dayglo pop-smarts provide the contradictory musical notions that never allow the album to sway too far in one bleak direction or another: it's that friction extant between Chesnutt's shadowy worldview and the inventive bounce and bray of Elf Power's euphonous intraband chemistry that buoys Dark Developments, provides its freshness, and makes for rewarding repeated listening. My Old Kentucky Blog
  • Most noises resonate for about 20 seconds - even the most hideous sounds become euphonous when played in the Silophone. Boing Boing: May 13, 2001 - May 19, 2001 Archives
  • _Decameron_, vol.iii. p. --, he appears under the more euphonous as well as genial name of PALMERIN: but the "hermitage" there described has been long deserted by its master and mistress -- who have transferred their treasures and curiosities to the sea-girt village, or rather town, of Ryde and its vicinity: where stained-glass windows and velvet bound tomes are seen to yet greater advantage. Bibliomania; or Book-Madness A Bibliographical Romance
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