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eucalyptus oil

  1. an essential oil obtained from the leaves of eucalypts

How To Use eucalyptus oil In A Sentence

  • Nettle rash can also be treated by applying a drop or two of eucalyptus oil to the affected area.
  • A suitable rub for stiff areas can be made up as follows: 2 drops eucalyptus oil; 2 drops oil of wintergreen; 5 drops lavender oil; 3 drops rosemary oil; 1 drop black pepper oil.
  • A very potent medicine called eucalyptus oil is brewed from gum-leaves, and a favourite Australian "house-wives '" remedy for rheumatism is a bed stuffed with gum-leaves. Peeps At Many Lands: Australia
  • Robin usually mixes citronella, tea-tree oil or eucalyptus oils with a base oil and rubs it on her exposed skin.
  • I am told that a less pungent way to deter cats is to spray a solution of eucalyptus oil around the area to be protected. Times, Sunday Times
  • It just needed eucalyptus oils and candles. The Sun
  • Substances that cats find aversive include citronella, perfumes, solid air fresheners, citrus, aloe, and eucalyptus oil.
  • You can also get quick relief from the pain of insect bites by applying eucalyptus oil to sore and swollen areas.
  • Substances such as menthol, wintergreen oil, eucalyptus oil, or turpentine cause cool or hot sensations that can temporarily relieve or cover up pain.
  • Among Kangaroo Island's earliest industries, apart from the whaling and sealing, were shipbuilding, salt harvesting, quarrying and the production of eucalyptus oil.
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