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Eton College

  1. a public school for boys founded in 1440; located in Berkshire

How To Use Eton College In A Sentence

  • For several generations the headmaster, who was the subordinate officer of the provost, had been an Eton colleger and scholar of King's College, Cambridge.
  • From the battlements, she can look over a bend in the River Thames, across the treetops to Eton College and out over farms, villages and shires of Berks and Bucks.
  • As captain of Eton collegers he was one of the last to benefit from the ancient custom of Montem, a day given over by the school for the pecuniary benefit of the college captain before he departed for university.
  • He was a King's scholar at Eton College.
  • Despite the serious nature of the expertise shared by the lifesavers, Moreton College's Rob Kreisler said the exchange visit was also a chance to build friendships across the Atlantic.
  • The wall game is played on only one ground in the world, at Eton College, a few miles west of London; and even there, only by a select few of the school's 70 "collegers".
  • Left : An 18 - year - old Prince William plays soccer at Eton College.
  • They've already put his name down for Eton College.
  • As a child, Cox won a scholarship to the elite Eton College alongside his friend Boris Johnson, now London's mayor.
  • Leigh entered Eton College as a colleger in 1852; in 1858-9 he played cricket for the school.
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