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How To Use Ethiopian In A Sentence

  • Volunteers must be fluent in English and at least one of these languages: French, Amharic, Tigrinya (Ethiopian), Arabic or Farsi. Fairfax County volunteer opportunities
  • Infrared photography, which is widely used to view underdrawings in painting conservation, has been applied to the Museum's six Ethiopian icons.
  • Some visitors to the to the Kedoshei Yisrael Shul in Kiryat Gat are taken by surprise when they see the rav is a member of Israel's Ethiopian community, not what one might expect in a shul of survivors of the Shoah. YESHIVA WORLD NEWS
  • I had made these with my own hands, and styled them on the Ethiopian model of beauty, full and floccose. River God
  • This Ethiopian farmer is facing famine again and, to keep his eight children alive, has been reduced to collecting wood and grass from the bush to sell at market for two birr a bundle.
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  • Transcribing the Ethiopian text into the English alphabet was their first task.
  • Menelik II doubled the size of the Ethiopian Empire. 1876, Feb
  • Crowe, his head had almost resumed its natural dimensions, but then his whole face was so covered with a livid suffusion, his nose appeared so flat, and his lips so tumefied, that he might very well have passed for a Caffre or Ethiopian. The Life and Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves
  • Many species common in montane forest, such as trees of the genera Podocarpus and Juniperus, have economic importance, while several crops including coffee (Coffea arabica) and tef (Eragrostis tef) from the Ethiopian Highlands have been domesticated. Biological diversity in the Eastern Afromontane
  • As an aside, just because the Ethiopian beauty depicted on the cover was a famine victim does not make her any less graceful, willowy or beautiful.
  • One of his Ethiopian concubines saves him from a forest fire by carrying his huge bulk on her back.
  • Breads, besides the usual Arab pocket bread khubz, include the tandoor bread maluj and lahuh, a sourdough crêpe cooked on one side only - essentially the same as the Ethiopian injera, but made from white sorghum, a grain unique to Yemen.
  • The above appears to be a deliberate distortion of an event in the 19th Century, the battle of Adwa, where Ethiopians handed a humiliating defeat to the Italians. Archive 2007-02-01
  • She suffered the same fate in the 2001 world championships, leading until the final lap where she was overtaken by a trio of Ethiopians.
  • An adoption official has spoken about the moment when Angelina Jolie adopted an Ethiopian girl made an orphan by AIDS.
  • Tommy declared that he would become a Doukhobor to please her, but she said something about the inability of Ethiopians to change their skin. The Moon Endureth: Tales and Fancies
  • One Ethiopian study showed that heavy clay soils which could not be worked with wooden ploughs became fertile when steel was used.
  • Sylvia worked for Ethiopian independence and Adela was involved in the launch of the Communist party in her adoptive country.
  • You have a chance to wander in and try pies from Dangerously Delicious, eat lobster rolls on a temporary sidewalk patio outside Liberty Tree or feast on Ethiopian dishes from Ethiopic, for starters. Food, music, art and Oktoberfest at the H Street Festival
  • Made from an Ethiopian grain called tef, injera is eaten at every meal and also serves as cutlery, used to scoop up the juicy sauces. - News
  • Since the Live Aid movement captured the hearts and wallets of people in the Occidental world, the sallow-faced Ethiopian child has come to emblematize Africa: exotic, needy, and victimized. Rosalia Gitau: T.I.A.: This Is Africa
  • In the first place, he is superannuated in his spiritual functions, and, being so, has to do something less harassing and laborious than spiritualizing Ethiopians to supply the domestic exchequer; anglice, to find beef and potatoes for a beloved wife and four little boys. Pictures of Slavery in Church and State; Including Personal Reminiscences, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, etc. etc. with an Appendix, Containing the Views of John Wesley and Richard Watson on Slavery
  • One Ethiopian study showed that heavy clay soils which could not be worked with wooden ploughs became fertile when steel was used.
  • In place of a fork Ethiopians use bread called injera and their hands to deliver succulent entrées such as Fiftit, Kitfo, and Gored to the pallet.
  • One Ethiopian study showed that heavy clay soils which could not be worked with wooden ploughs became fertile when steel was used.
  • They get about 2 birr a kilo compared to just 25 Ethiopian cents last year.
  • This city is said to be the mother-city of all the other Ethiopians: and they who dwell in it reverence of the gods Zeus and Dionysos alone, and these they greatly honour; and they have an Oracle of Zeus established, and make warlike marches whensoever this god commands them by prophesyings and to whatsoever place he commands. The History of Herodotus
  • At the centre of Ethiopian food is injera, a giant spongy pancake that's used instead of utensils.
  • In Lake Tana, which is the source of the Blue Nile in the Ethiopian Highlands, about a quarter of the nearly 65 fish species are endemic, including a loach Nemacheilus abyssinicus and 14 large cyprinid barbs. Biological diversity in the Eastern Afromontane
  • A variety of Ethiopian endemics can be found, including the critically endangered Walia ibex (Capra walie) and endangered mountain nyala (Tragelaphus buxtoni). Ethiopian montane grasslands and woodlands
  • Ciidamo fara badan oo Ethiopian ah ayaa isku gadaamay Villa Somalia oo ay kusoo dhaceen madaafiic xoogan, ahna goob ay weli ku sugan yihiin, iyadoo gaadiid ciidamo wada la arkayay iyagoo Muqdisho uga baxaya dhanka galbeed. [unknown placeholder $my.siteName$]
  • TOMS Shoes is working to prevent podoconiosis, which has already affected between half a million to a million Ethiopians, by providing needy children with durable footwear and by providing treatment to existing patients. TOMS Shoes Founder Works To Stamp Out Foot Disease In Ethiopia
  • Ethiopian officials warned yesterday of an impending tragedy in the drought-stricken Afar region.
  • How many could afford to go out routinely for Pad Thai, Japanese sushi, Armenian khorovatz, Ethiopian aleecha, Chorizo Argentino, Lebanese hummus and shawarma, or even a nice, simple blueberry bagel?
  • However, from an Ethiopian perspective, pottery was a low-status profession, associated with fire and dangerous beliefs that the Beta Israel were buda, supernatural beings who disguised themselves as humans during the day and at night became hyenas that could attack humans (cf. Salamon 1999). Ethiopian Jewish Women.
  • The Sidamo, who have a highly developed agriculture including ploughing with oxen and terracing of fields, produce the famous Ethiopian coffee of their name.
  • More than 30 of the nearly 200 mammals found in the Ethiopian Highlands are found nowhere else, including a remarkable six endemic genera, four of which are monotypic: three rodents (Megadendromus, Muriculus, and Nilopegamys) and one primate, the gelada (Theropithecus gelada). Biological diversity in the Eastern Afromontane
  • The Ethiopian patriots librated Addis Ababa on 6 May 1941 and this victory officially ended Italian occupation. - Articles related to SOUTHERN AFRICA: Competing for Limpopo water
  • In eastern Sudan, the rising river Gash, which flows into the country from the Ethiopian plateau, had also created flash floods in the Kassala area, leaving hundreds of families stranded. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • To my knowledge, he's right; at any rate, its inclusion here honors that book's canonical status in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.
  • It might not be the famine of biblical proportions which decimated the country in 1984 and which wakened a disbelieving world to the plight of the Ethiopians but unless something is done it is a disaster in the making.
  • Ustinov was performing at the age of three, mimicking politicians of the day when his parents invited Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie for dinner.
  • This species, which is endemic to marshes and moorlands located in the Ethiopian highlands, is very much like the northern lapwing, V. vanellus, found in Europe: it is a relatively tame, noisy bird with a swerving flight that feeds on the ground, making short runs and sudden stops. Mystery bird: Spot-breasted plover, Vanellus melanocephalus
  • Nine of the critically endangered species targeted by the grants are reptiles, including the Siamese crocodile, Antiguan racer, and river terrapin; seven are birds, including the Siberian crane, Polynesian ground-dove, and Madagascar pochard; and five are mammals, including the giant sable and the duiker, in addition to the Ethiopian wolf. Salazar Announces Nearly $650 Thousand in Grants to Conserve Critically Endangered Wildlife Around the Globe
  • An Ethiopian website says the 45-year-old Hailemariam was formerly president of the Arba Minch Water Technology Institute in the country's southern region. Ethiopia's PM Restructures Government
  • Twenty years after images of starving Ethiopian children shocked the world, famine and drought continue to stalk this African nation.
  • Ethiopian police killed at least 12 people while trying to disperse a demonstration by peasants in a regional capital in the south of the country.
  • In the Middle Ages the Abuna, or head of the Ethiopian church, was always an Egyptian monk appointed by the Coptic patriarch, but apart from this link Ethiopian Christianity developed largely in isolation and in a distinctive way.
  • I've recently become addicted to falafel, which joins Vietnamese Pho soup, gelato, Ethiopian injera bread, pad thai, and schnitzel as some of my favourite things to eat.
  • Within the hierarchy of the Ethiopian Church, a special role is played by the deacon, or Dabtara.
  • The Ethiopian governmental structure is a parliamentary democracy consisting of a bicameral legislature, a prime minister, and a president.
  • The Ethiopian government was also incensed when Eritrea renounced use of the Ethiopian birr last year, introducing its own nakfa. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • If you think all Ethiopian restaurants are cut from the same cloth, you have yet to visit Ethiopic. A different take on Ethiopian For starters, it's in the Atlas District
  • Ethiopian forces claim to have captured the town for strategic reasons and insist they intend to withdraw later.
  • Other large mammals such as the Ethiopian wolf, bushbuck and bushpig have become extremely rare. Simen National Park, Ethiopia
  • There was a probable purpose in his writing: to propagandize for the gentle philosophy of the gymnosophists, an obscure ascetic Hindu sect, and to proclaim the humanity, culture and martial skill of the dark-skinned Ethiopians.
  • But to any freedom-loving Ethiopian or any other reasonable human being, the "pardon" is nothing more than the reveries of a self-absorbed megalomaniac garbed in legalistic hokum. Alemayehu G. Mariam: Ethiopia: Birtukan Unbound!
  • An Ethiopian of old seeing an European eat bread, wondered, quomodo stercoribus vescentes viverimus, how we could eat such kind of meats: so much differed his countrymen from ours in diet, that as mine [1446] author infers, si quis illorum victum apud nos aemulari vellet; if any man should so feed with us, it would be all one to nourish, as Cicuta, Aconitum, or Hellebore itself. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • An Ethiopian of old seeing an European eat bread, wondered, quomodo stercoribus vescentes viverimus, how we could eat such kind of meats: so much differed his countrymen from ours in diet, that as mine [1446] author infers, si quis illorum victum apud nos aemulari vellet; if any man should so feed with us, it would be all one to nourish, as Cicuta, Aconitum, or Hellebore itself. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The empire's satrapies stretched from the Indus to the Aegean, and delicate reliefs on the walls of the Apadana Palace depict Libyans, Ethiopians, Egyptians, Turks and others bearing tributes to Darius.
  • King Vittorio Emanuele III had the dictator arrested and made Marshal Badoglio, who had impressed Donovan in the 1936 Ethiopian campaign, the new head of the Italian government. Wild Bill Donovan
  • After Apollonius has recognized a lion as a reincarnation of Egypt's last pharaoh Amasis, he sets out in the company of ten disciples for the Ethiopian gymnosophists.
  • The subterfuge was the Ethiopians putting the war lords back into power in Somolia. Think Progress » The U.S. has launched air strikes in Somalia
  • We tend to think of energy from plants as Ethiopians stripping the forest for fuelwood.
  • The Ethiopian adds the world crown to the Olympic title he won at Sydney last year.
  • I also felt dehydrated by the previous evening which had been dominated by Tej, Ethiopian honey wine, backed up by some injudicious sampling of the local cloudy millet beer.
  • Suddenly, with banging tampani and the crash of cymbals, rattle of tambourines and beating of tomtoms, the barbaric Ethiopians of the dancing orchestra began their syncopated outrages against every known law of harmony -- swinging weirdly into the bewitching, tickling, tingling rhythm of a maxixe. The Voice on the Wire
  • But he was always glad to sample cuisines, from Cuban to Ethiopian, that were new to him.
  • The children have decorated the walls with pictures they drew for school - beefy cattle and chickens, Ethiopian lions, all painted in the colours of the landscape, pale yellows and greens.
  • In the 14th century Ethiopian compilation of legends, the Kebra Nagast ( "The Glory of Kings"), Solomon's granting of royal bounty to Sheba is interpreted to mean sexual relations. Great dynasties of the world: The Ethiopian royal family
  • NFTS resolutions reveal other political issues Reform Jewish women did agree upon, including funds for the relief of Jewish women in Palestine (1915) and support for the rescue of Ethiopian (Falasha) Jewry (1923). National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods.
  • Response: This is an adult Ethiopian boubou, Laniarius aethiopicus, a member of the bushshrike family, Malaconotidae. Mystery bird: Ethiopian boubou, Laniarius aethiopicus
  • Adult male Ethiopian black-headed siskin, Serinus nigriceps, also known as the Ethiopian siskin or (African/Abyssinian) black-headed siskin, or the black-headed serin, photographed at Bale Mountains, Ethiopia (Africa). Mystery bird: Abyssinian siskin, Serinus nigriceps
  • In a single sentence, out of the blue, the partners ganged up and whipsawed the entire Ethiopian opposition: "The Ethiopian political opposition is weak, disunited, and out of touch with the average Ethiopian, partners agreed. Alemayehu G. Mariam: Out of Touch in the Horn of Africa?
  • The species develops into large populations on deep sands and alluvia in the Sahelian belt heavy vertisols in the Ethiopian highlands, and around many of the rift valley lakes or riverine and valley bottoms in east and southern Africa. Chapter 33
  • It turns out that he's currently working on a project with my favorite Ethiopian musical mastermind.
  • One colleague recalled that he might be found during a quiet moment in his office poring over a text on Japanese archaeology or Ethiopian land tenure practices. Times, Sunday Times
  • A bend of the body and a genuflection were the appropriate answer of the Ethiopian to these observations. The Talisman
  • Last year, two smaller regional centres were established with a grant of one million Ethiopian birr approved by Colligan's office.
  • The steward of his household sent messengers ahead to take word to the Ethiopian soldiers waiting in Nabatea for their sovereign to join him.
  • Pastafari Pasta Romans Satanism Ethiopia Orthodox JAH Rastafari Jesus Christ YESUS KRISTOS HAILE SELASSIE Black Hebrews BETA ISRAEL Jews Lion JUDAH Falashas binghi nyahbinghi Rastas Rastafarianism Church Satan Roberto Munzo Spiritual Warfare EPHESIANS Ethiopian Catholic Abesha Habesha Blasphemy Pope Papal 666 Chi Xi Stigma Occult New Age E Pluribus Unum Slander One Dollar Bill Evil Eye Buda Ayin Sof Drag to Playlist - Articles related to SOUTHERN AFRICA: Competing for Limpopo water
  • He did not go south into African Ethiopia, but into the Ethiopia of the Arabian Peninsula, where he married an Ethiopian who was a Shemite. Can America Survive?
  • Dukem: The Ethiopian restaurant, which opens at 11 a.m. daily, will reshow the day's earlier matches on nine TVs, including a 10-foot projection screen, and offer $5 African beers from 1 to 5 p.m. Where to watch the World Cup (Updated)
  • Addis Ababa routinely accuses Asmara of supporting a number of Ethiopian separatist groups, and blamed an Afar rebel movement for the kidnapping of five Europeans in the region in 2007. Foreign tourists killed in Ethiopia
  • We call it ‘gharry’ in the Ethiopian language, but they are used as a taxi, he said. Ethiopia’s Low-Tech, High-Value Transportation
  • Ethiopians enjoy a flatbread known as injera, chickpea stew and lots of spices and sweet potato. The Sun
  • The Ethiopians recommend that ‘deworming is a low-cost and feasible treatment in the setting of developing countries, where helminthic infections are widespread, and TB and HIV are rampant’.
  • Traditionally, formal education was under the authority of the Ethiopian Coptic Christian Church.
  • Even before the rights of women were "constitutionalized" in 1995, the ruling dictatorship of Meles Zenawi took the lead by issuing a National Policy on Women in 1993 with the aim "to institutionalize the political, economical, and social rights of women by creating an appropriate structure in government offices and institutions so that the public policies and interventions are gender-sensitive and can ensure equitable development for all Ethiopian men and women. Alemayehu G. Mariam: Speaking Truth On Behalf of Ethiopian Women
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  • Time for me to hold forth: "Every country should hold up Ethiopian officials for three hours at their airports, not the ordinary people of course," quoth I. Mike Arkus: Recent African Airport Experiences: From Presidential Shutdown to an 'Are-They-Out-to-Get-Me' Moment
  • A wing was all that was known of an Ethiopian nightjar, Caprimulgus solala, but adventurous birdwatchers managed to spot it, though they weren't able to capture it. Archive 2009-07-01
  • Is the Ethiopian political opposition "weak and disunited"? Alemayehu G. Mariam: Out of Touch in the Horn of Africa?
  • The first is that Western-educated Ethiopian intellectuals in particular have curtsied and made way to the two "Knights of Columbia" who earned their fame and fortune thrusting lances in the heart of the International Monetary Fund and panhandling Western governments to keep Africa on the dole indefinitely. Alemayehu G. Mariam: Lessons From Columbia U.
  • The red-eye is operated by Ethiopian Airlines; it stops in Delhi and then Addis Ababa, where passengers like my seatmate would fan out across the continent.
  • There were Ashkenazim and Sephardim, Ethiopians and Russians, American students and fourth-generation sabras.
  • The Ethiopian Government says it's encouraging local manufacturers to produce cheap generic AIDS drugs.
  • There are three easy-to-see, endemic, large mammals: the mountain nyala, Ethiopian wolf and gelada baboon.
  • Fenugreek, berbere, and niter kibbeh to satisfy the spice-loving community of Ethiopians that that moved into the neighborhood in the last several years. Back Home on the Range
  • The Ethiopian Orthodox Christian Church trains chanters who are called debtara.
  • One colleague recalled that he might be found during a quiet moment in his office poring over a text on Japanese archaeology or Ethiopian land tenure practices. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is alleged that Ayele was a member of an Ethiopian cocaine-trafficking organization that was responsible for unlawfully distributing cocaine and cocaine base.
  • Diners are welcomed with a basket of moist chunks of house-baked whole-wheat bread and a dip of olive oil laced with berbere, the fiery spice blend essential to a number of Ethiopian dishes. A different take on Ethiopian For starters, it's in the Atlas District
  • n A school principal in Ashdod decided on his own to teach the Ethiopian children in segregated classrooms; It’s Hard to Be an Anti-Zionist Jew « Blog
  • Sara says that the filling was an interpretation of an Ethiopian chicken stew called Doro Wat. The Takedown Tackles Tofu
  • Then that race whose son carried the Savior's Cross, while the Semitic and Japhetic races united to crucify Him, will wear the Dispensational Crown; being also the race, which in the person of the Ethiopian eunuch, furnished the first convert of pure Gentile blood (through a Jewish proselyte) and who hastened to stretch out his hand to God, when Philip drew near to him; and even to ask himself for Christian Baptism. Men of Maryland
  • That rejection soon led to the Monophysite heresy, which lives on to this day in the Coptic and Ethiopian churches.
  • And to crown it all, it mithridatized the Ethiopian people to the future secession of Eritrea by incorporating the right of unconditional secession in the Transition Charter.
  • Ethiopian boubou, Laniarius aethiopicus aethiopicus, also known as the boubou shrike, tropical boubou or the bell shrike, photographed at the Ghion Hotel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Africa. Mystery bird: Ethiopian boubou, Laniarius aethiopicus
  • Djibouti, which has a good natural harbor and ready access to the Ethiopian highlands, attracted trade caravans crossing East Africa as well as Somali settlers from the south.
  • And when you pull off a piece of the spongy, soft, habit-forming, crepe-like injera flatbread, made with leff, the grain of the Ethiopian highlands, and wrap it around a dollop of her spicy beef stew, Yebere Sega Tibs $14, you will absolutely be hooked, a convert. Jay Weston: Ethiopian Food in L.A. -- A Fabulous New Dining Experience
  • Ourtwo girls, whom you remember seeing first at Carusis,15at the exhibition of the Ethiopian Serenaders, and whosepeculiarities were the wearing of black fur bonnets andnever being seen in close company with other ladies, were atthe music yesterday. LINCOLN AT HOME
  • Immigration records show that Sen. Barack Obama's grandfather, Baruch Heshy Obramowitz, was an Ethiopian "Falasha" Jew, who changed his surname when he moved to Kenya. Latest Articles
  • I remember one Canadian professor in defense of unity saying, eritrea's Independence was accepted by the UN only because the Ethiopians accepted it. so basically, Eritrea is a fraud committed by Meles and Isayas. there is nothing legal about eritrea, therefor you can not apply law when it comes to dealing with them. observer, next time avoid personal attacks such using the ambassadors look as an example. it is a turn off. Undefined
  • The Ancient Ethiopians (also called Kushites and Meroites – from Meroe their last Pre-Christian capital in the area of today's Bagrawiyah in Sudan) were Kuhites – associated with the Modern Kushites of the Horn of Africa, the Oromos, the Sidamas, the Somalis, and also with the Berbers of Kabylia (Algeria), the Tuareg, and the Fulani and Hausa speaking nations of Western Africa. Open Letter to H. E. Mr. Gurjit Singh, Ambassador of India in Abyssinia (Fake 'Ethiopia')
  • Ethiopian wolves are suspicious of people, and if they spot someone in their territory they go on full alert, letting out high-pitched yelps - alarm calls that tell the rest of the pack of the intruder.
  • Air travel remains suspended following a bomb attack against Ethiopian targets in Hargeisa in 2008. Mike Arkus: Off the Beaten Track: A Few Pointers for Navigating Somaliland (PHOTOS)
  • However, the 'plane was shot down near the north Ethiopian town of Adwa, about 400km from Djibouti, Bramdeo said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Indeed, the Bible tells the story of a couple being punished after chastising Moses for having an Ethiopian wife.
  • There were no roads in the country: the wheel was of no more use in the Ethiopian highlands than a cricket bat. The Barefoot Emperor: An Ethiopian Tragedy
  • Ethiopian currency until November 1997 when Eritrea issued its own currency, the nakfa, at approximately the same rate as the birr, i.e., The 1999 CIA Factbook
  • There are three universally recognized species of wolves in the world: the gray wolf (Canis lupus), the red wolf (Canis rufus) and the Ethiopian (or Abyssinian) wolf, (Canis simensis).
  • Ethiopian immigrants
  • Internet cafes have profited, and so has the Ethiopian Postal Service, which collects a service fee starting at 10 Ethiopian birr, or 57 cents, for each online entry it processes. Playing the U.S. Visa Lottery in Ethiopia
  • Whether or not the claim of Menelek II be true, that he himself is lineally descended from the son of Solomon and Sheba's Queen, certain it is that in race type Abyssinians are plainly come of sons of Israel, crossed and modified with Coptic, Hamite, and Ethiopian blood. The Red-Blooded Heroes of the Frontier
  • Although most Ethiopians maintain positive sentiments toward their former country, very few opt to repatriate.
  • Israel successfully bribed the late Sudanese dictator, Jaffar al-Numiery, to allow Ethiopian Falasha Jews to fly to Israel from Sudan. Eric Margolis: Sudan Faces an Earthquake
  • Internally, the Ethiopian Orthodox Church won the right to appoint their own Abuna, rather than have the Abuna always be an Egyptian Copt appointed by the Patriarch of Alexandria.
  • The Old Testament focus of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church includes dietary laws similar to the kosher tradition, circumcision after the eighth day of birth, and a Saturday sabbath.
  • The Danakils are a savage pagan people of mixed Hamite (early Egyptian) and Ethiopian ancestry. The Red-Blooded Heroes of the Frontier
  • The Cushites and Ethiopians, early branches of the Atlantean stock, took their name from their "sunburnt" complexion; they were red men. Atlantis : the antediluvian world
  • Practically every country in the world has its own version: the Mexicans have the tortilla, the Scottish, the oatcakes, the Indian, the chapatti and the Ethiopian the injera.
  • Treasury is their own personal piggy bank. "article in the Lexington Herald-Leader," U.S. Rep. Hal Rogers, R-Somerset, is sponsoring a bill to give $5 million a year to conservation groups that work overseas on behalf of endangered 'great cats and rare canids,' such as cheetahs, lions and Ethiopian wolves. Business Wire Travel News
  • As the "academic entrepreneurs" buy, sell and auction us off on the foreign aid market and the few voices in the wilderness struggle to call attention to the ineffectiveness of aid in spurring economic development, Ethiopian intellectuals in the main have resolved to stand deaf-mute and watch the debate from the sidelines. Alemayehu G. Mariam: Lessons From Columbia U.
  • Nikon D300, 600 mm lens, 1.4 extender, ISO 640, f/13, 1/640 sec Question: This dichromatic Ethiopian mystery bird is a very rare vagrant to western Europe. Mystery bird: Pied wheatear, Oenanthe pleschanka
  • The Ethiopian is aiming to produce his second record-breaking run of the week.
  • Coffea arabica originated in the Ethiopian highlands, where the raw, unroasted beans were masticated and the leaves brewed like tea by the locals.
  • It’s true that most of the really vicious killers in postcolonial Africa were personalistic rather then ideological, and that most of the Soviet and Cuban clients were not notably brutal, but their support of the Ethiopian regime is a big black mark on both of them. abb1 says: Matthew Yglesias » Good News from Africa
  • One time, a stranger who saw him in a restaurant called him selfish - accusing Kassa of supporting the Ethiopian government for personal gain - and told him to leave. Ethnic Politics Split US Ethiopians
  • Rastafarians regard Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie I, who was known as Ras Tafari before he rose to power in 1930, as the second coming of Christ. Rasta inmates spend decade in isolation for dreadlock hair
  • Frightened, the young Ethiopian responded in the negative.
  • Michael Hayden, the outgoing head of the CIA, has said that the Ethiopian invasion of Somalia has "catalyzed" expatriates around the world. Christian Science Monitor | Top Stories
  • I hadn't had a decent tiramisu in weeks; I couldn't find an Ethiopian restaurant to save my life. LEGAL TENDER
  • Standing in his lush field, Kassa says he would be happy if dams are built so Ethiopian farmers can use the water that now goes to Egypt. Nile River Dispute Heats Up
  • Under such circumstances, is it any wonder that the Ethiopian opposition is weak and disunited? Alemayehu G. Mariam: Out of Touch in the Horn of Africa?
  • One of our drivers, soon to be assistant camp director, Million, shot a video of this young man doing the traditional goat herder dance and it was as if he were Ethiopian himself. Dr. Jane Aronson: Ethiopian Orphans Are Growing Up With a World of Possibilities
  • Drink Ethiopian coffee & espresso. Christianity Today
  • But that might be less upsetting to witness than the scene here in Addis, where uncomplaining Ethiopians submit humbly to the bitter caprice of clinical selection.
  • The Ethiopian boubou was formerly classified into a species complex as a subspecies along with five other birds that look very similar, but most of which are apparently are not that closely related. Mystery bird: Ethiopian boubou, Laniarius aethiopicus
  • The Scythians and the Hyperboreans (sometimes the Aethiopians) were the noble savages of the Ancients.
  • Once back in Cairo, Wingate's report of the Ethiopian Campaign Wavell now having departed was flatly rejected at GHQ and all those he recommended for DSO's denied. Robert Eisenman: Who Killed Orde Wingate?
  • The Ge'ez alphabet, also known as the Ethiopic writing system, has always been a source of pride for Ethiopians whose country happens to be the only African country with its own alphabet. TEXTING IN GE'EZ.
  • It all started, as legend has it, when an Ethiopian herder noticed that his goats were acting a bit frisky after munching on some strange berries.
  • This studly Ethiopian emigrated to Montreal via Italy.
  • Transcribing the Ethiopian text into the English alphabet was their first task.
  • Ethiopian cisticola, Cisticola lugubris (formerly, Cisticola galactotes lugubris; protonym, Sylvia (Cisticola) lugubris), also known as the Abyssinian black-backed cisticola, photographed at the Gerfasa Reservoir, Ethiopia (Africa). Mystery bird: Ethiopian cisticola, Cisticola lugubris
  • Abyssinian catbird, Parophasma galinieri (protonym, Parisoma Galinieri), also known as the Ethiopian catbird or as the juniper babbler, photographed at the Bale Mountains, Ethiopia (Africa). Mystery bird: Ethiopian catbird, Parophasma galinieri
  • One shopper, who gave his name as Geremew, simply held up the thick wad of birr, the Ethiopian currency, that he was holding as he waited to pay for a small basket of food. Ethiopian Food Prices Up Nearly 50%
  • Volunteers must be fluent in English and at least one of the following languages: French, Amharic, Tigrinya (Ethiopian), Arabic or Farsi. Fairfax County volunteer opportunities
  • Since I never flawing on none-Ethiopian airlines to travel to Ethiopia I don't have much knowledge how KLM and / or LUFTHANSA airlines connection works … so my question to you is that are you or those who choose to travel on none Ethiopian have to still go through the connection Undefined
  • In Lake Tana, which is the source of the Blue Nile in the Ethiopian Highlands, about a quarter of the nearly 65 fish species are endemic, including a loach Nemacheilus abyssinicus and 14 large cyprinid barbs. Biological diversity in the Eastern Afromontane
  • Their publication program of books in English and Amharic is notable with Jane Kurtz as one of their principal authors and a system in place to support Ethiopian illustrators for their books. University
  • The empire's satrapies stretched from the Indus to the Aegean, and delicate reliefs on the walls of the Apadana Palace depict Libyans, Ethiopians, Egyptians, Turks and others bearing tributes to Darius.
  • But indirectly the Ethiopian conquest had prepared a revolution.
  • Prior to their mass aliya, generations of Ethiopian Jews yearned for Zion and expressed their longing in the annual Sigd festival. Sigd: The Ultimate Zionist Festival
  • Pastafari Pasta Romans Satanism Ethiopia Orthodox JAH Rastafari Jesus Christ YESUS KRISTOS HAILE SELASSIE Black Hebrews BETA ISRAEL Jews Lion JUDAH Falashas binghi nyahbinghi Rastas Rastafarianism Church Satan Roberto Munzo Spiritual Warfare EPHESIANS Ethiopian Catholic Abesha Habesha Blasphemy Pope Papal 666 Chi Xi Stigma Occult New Age E Pluribus Unum Slander One Dollar Bill Evil Eye Buda Ayin Sof - Articles related to SOUTHERN AFRICA: Competing for Limpopo water
  • The species develops into large populations on deep sands and alluvia in the Sahelian belt, heavy vertisols in the Ethiopian highlands. and around many of the rift valley lakes or riverine and valley bottoms in east and southern Africa. Chapter 10
  • Practically every country in the world has its own version: the Mexicans have the tortilla, the Scottish, the oatcakes, the Indian, the chapatti and the Ethiopian the injera.
  • Ethiopian wolves are suspicious of people, and if they spot someone in their territory they go on full alert, letting out high-pitched yelps - alarm calls that tell the rest of the pack of the intruder.
  • Such is Ethiopians 'love of honey that apitherapy clinics offer treatments for many ailments. EcoEarth.Info Environment RSS Newsfeed
  • The work of a humble but devout countrywomen with considerable artistic talent, they provide a unique glimpse into traditional Ethiopian life and labor.
  • But that might be less upsetting to witness than the scene here in Addis, where uncomplaining Ethiopians submit humbly to the bitter caprice of clinical selection.
  • Coffea arabica originated in the Ethiopian highlands, where the raw, unroasted beans were masticated and the leaves brewed like tea by the locals.
  • More than 30 of the nearly 200 mammals found in the Ethiopian Highlands are found nowhere else, including a remarkable six endemic genera, four of which are monotypic: three rodents (Megadendromus, Muriculus, and Nilopegamys) and one primate, the gelada (Theropithecus gelada). Biological diversity in the Eastern Afromontane
  • One colleague recalled that he might be found during a quiet moment in his office poring over a text on Japanese archaeology or Ethiopian land tenure practices. Times, Sunday Times
  • The researchers' analysis led them to conclude that such targeted immunizations can prevent major die-offs in wild Ethiopian wolves.
  • An Ethiopian of old seeing an European eat bread, wondered, quomodo stercoribus vescentes viverimus, how we could eat such kind of meats: so much differed his countrymen from ours in diet, that as mine [1446] author infers, si quis illorum victum apud nos aemulari vellet; if any man should so feed with us, it would be all one to nourish, as Cicuta, Aconitum, or Hellebore itself. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Fenugreek, berbere, and niter kibbeh to satisfy the spice-loving community of Ethiopians that that moved into the neighborhood in the last several years. June 2007
  • In the first reading Philip runs alongside the chariot of the Ethiopian eunuch, a court official of the queen.

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