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How To Use epithalamium In A Sentence

  • “Happy ferry-man, ” thought Grainier, “thou aspirest not to fame; thou composest no epithalamiums. I. From Scylla to Charybdis. Book II
  • But if I take it in mind to publish an epithalamium without the author's consent, I commit an offense.
  • [156] [Footnote 152: See his life in the Augustan History.] [Footnote 153: There is still extant a very pretty Epithalamium, composed by Gallienus for the nuptials of his nephews: -- "Ite ait, O juvenes, pariter sudate medullis Omnibus, inter vos: non murmura vestra columbae, Brachia non hederae, non vincant oscula conchae."] [Footnote 154: He was on the point of giving Plotinus a ruined city of History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 1
  • But Green also chose ‘She Like the Moon Arises’, a very slight love poem, and ‘Celebration of Love’, a long and ambitious, but flawed epithalamium.
  • If we take Byron seriously, we can turn the mask of tragedy into the mask of comedy only by replacing the elegy with the epithalamium.
  • Elegy or litany, epicede or epithalamium, his work is always a song-writer's; nothing more, but nothing less, than the work of the greatest song-writer -- as surely as The Hesperides & Noble Numbers: Vol. 1 and 2
  • Ignotus pecori, 'as eulogised by the virgin-chorus in the beautiful epithalamium of Catullus, might be recognised in the youthful' religieuse 'if only human passion could be excluded; but the story of Heloise and Abelard is not a solitary proof of the superiority of human nature over an impossible and artificial spirituality. The Superstitions of Witchcraft
  • The Visigoths had openly aped the imperial court when King Athaulf married Galla Placidia in 411, a marriage celebrated by an official epithalamium (marriage-poem) delivered by a senator.
  • Augustan History.] 153 There is still extant a very pretty Epithalamium, composed by Gallienus for the nuptials of his nephews: — Ite ait, O juvenes, pariter sudate medullis The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
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