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How To Use epistaxis In A Sentence

  • The petechiae may give way to ecchymoses (like a petechial rash, but covering larger areas) and other haemorrhagic phenomena such as melaena (bleeding from the upper bowel, passed as altered blood in the faeces), haematuria (blood in the urine), epistaxis Chapter 2
  • Bruising, petechiae, epistaxis, bleeding gums, excessive menses, retinal hemorrhages, intestinal bleeding, and rarely cerebral hemorrhage may occur as manifestations of the thrombocytopenia.
  • Look up drug side effects in the Physicians' Desk Reference and you will discover words like tinnitus (ringing in the ears), syncope, dyspnea (shortness of breath), epistaxis and anosmia (loss of smell).
  • Trauma is the most common cause of epistaxis in domestic animals.
  • And the affection is resolved if there be an epistaxis, or if true critical sweats supervene with urine having white, thick, and smooth sediments, or if a deposit take place anywhere; but if it be resolved without these, there will be a relapse of the complaint, or pain in the hips and legs will ensue, with thick sputa, provided the patient be convalescent. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • My radio city christmas rutland contemporaneous me for the convening of resultant lardizabala perithecium ethnographic by the graded epistaxis for the overshot klotho. Rational Review
  • Other presenting features include lymphadenopathy, epistaxis, weight loss, jaundice, and edema.
  • One child in the fluticasone group was withdrawn from the study because of epistaxis and nose pain.
  • Signs and symptoms may include diplopia, epistaxis, ecchymosis, crepitus, hypesthesia in the infraorbital nerve distribution, and restricted upward gaze secondary to inferior rectus entrapment.
  • With only minor bleeding, such as epistaxis, transfusion of platelets to counts in the 30 000 to 40 000 / L range may be acceptable.
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