How To Use ephemerid In A Sentence
- The ephemeride does not die so quickly as you think," said Becker; Willis the Pilot
- Among the older writers who describe incurvation or torsion of the penis are Arantius, 6.435 the Ephemerides, Haenel, * [401] Petit, 6.436 Schurig, Tulpius, 6.437 and Zacchias. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
- It is well known that everything is miraculous in the history of the Jews; the miracle performed in favor of King Hezekiah on the dial of Ahaz is one of the greatest that ever took place: it is evident that the whole earth must have been deranged, the course of the stars changed forever, and the periods of the eclipses of the sun and moon so altered as to confuse all the ephemerides. A Philosophical Dictionary
- Bulla: a blister or blister-like structure: the shield-like sclerite that closes the opening to the trachea in lamellicorn larvae: in Ephemerida Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
- In fact, it's quite normal for Dutch scientific terminology to occur in pairs composed of a "difficult" and a homier variant: ephemerid can be translated as efemeride or as eendagsvlieg VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol X No 2
- Among the older writers Bartholinus mentions ischuria lasting fourteen days; Cornarius, fourteen days; Rhoclius, fifteen days; the Ephemerides, ten, eleven, and twelve days. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
- * I feel not in me those sordid and unchristian desires of my profession; I do not secretly implore and wish for plagues, rejoice at famines, revolve ephemerides and almanacks in expectation of malignant aspects, fatal conjunctions, and eclipses. Religio Medici
- Tulpius, * [842] Walther, * [815] and the Ephemerides each report an instance of self-performed cystotomy. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
- Ephemeridum Medico-Physicarum Germanicarum Academiæ Naturæ curiosorum decuria II. annus quartus, anni 1685 continens celeberrimorum Virorum observationes medicas_: Norimbergæ, 1686, in 4to. Notes and Queries, Number 193, July 9, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
- Those who play a waiting game have matters more in their own hands, time gives them double chances; whereas if success does not come at once to the ephemerid he misses it altogether. The Note-Books of Samuel Butler