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[ US /ˌɛntəˈmɑɫədʒəst/ ]
[ UK /ɛntəmˈɒləd‍ʒˌɪst/ ]
  1. a zoologist who studies insects

How To Use entomologist In A Sentence

  • Smithsonian entomologist David Roubik points out that the stingless bee, rather than non-native species, has been essential to the pollination of tropical forest plants, and when the bee is in peril, so is the local ecology. Honey: A sweet Maya legacy
  • It is hoped that a stable population of the species can be raised so that entomologists can further study this little known bug.
  • The entomologist said that by the end of 2002, the little bloodsuckers had been reported in at least 28 states.
  • The entomologist was the last of our pew-full to give heed to the pulpit. Strong Hearts
  • Thanks to Oliver Zompro and Erich Tilgner, two entomologists with expertise on Phasmids and allied groups and their taxonomy and evolution, for their patient explanations and copious references; to the Phasmid Study Group for allowing me to use some of their phasmid photographs; to Reed for setting up the Geologic Time Scale page and PT crew members for comments, suggestions, and for refreshing my Latin. Behe and bugs: Genesis of a Creationist canard? - The Panda's Thumb
  • Entomologist Lisa G. Neven is providing practical, affordable techniques to packers to disinfest these premium fruits.
  • Forest entomologists call this inch-and-a-half-long insect with starburst spots on burnished black wings potentially the worst ecological disaster North American forests have ever seen.
  • Dr. Dario Espina - Perez, a Latin American entomologist and beekeeper, disagrees strongly with this B-movie scenario in his excellent book. 9: Domestic animals
  • With contributions from 37 entomologists who are experts in corn insect pests, the handbook includes the latest techniques in corn pest management.
  • Entomologists, nutritionists and other insect fanciers scoff at Westerners' bias against bugs.
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