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English ivy

  1. Old World vine with lobed evergreen leaves and black berrylike fruits

How To Use English ivy In A Sentence

  • Other house plants to enjoy growing this way include wandering Jew, hoya, English ivy, trailing philodendron, Hawaiian ti, and, of course, lucky bamboo.
  • Seattle is also home to the Oregon grape--more closely related to the barberry than an actual grape--and English ivy, an invasive vine that Seattle-area crafting groups weave into baskets.
  • Is the English ivy covering the unattractive fence in my backyard really an environmental villain?
  • For a bit of added interest and color, plant a few bright colored impatiens mixed with English ivy to trail over the edges of your hosta containers.
  • Thanks to her green thumb and her love for plants and flowers, I learned that a single clay pot filled with trailing English ivy or striking variegated coleus placed on a sunny windowsill could brighten the bleakest of winter days.
  • Student activities from planting perennials to removing invasive plants such as privet and English ivy were under the direction of John Bodiford, senior horticulturalist at the garden. Anderson Independent Mail Stories
  • Both the poison ivy and the Virginia creeper are native to eastern North America, but the English ivy is a native of Europe that is now naturalized in many parts of the U.S. Archive 2009-07-01
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