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end point

  1. a place where something ends or is complete
  2. the final point in a process

How To Use end point In A Sentence

  • One friend pointed out that the prospect of gathering her own rather volatile family into one small room for three hours, let alone three days, was a total nightmare.
  • So the reverend points out that before the hurricane, there was a lot of black-on-black crime in this city, we had terrible poverty and our public schools were in terrible shape.
  • My job there is to create an ethos of enjoyment, but you have to be clear in your own mind that you're building to an end point.
  • In his senior year, he married Carolyn Wells, who had first noticed him when a friend pointed out the lanky upperclassman running around the track at Dormont. Ron Paul Proposes Interesting Salary For Himself As President
  • End points were 1) total body fat, as measured by bioelectric impedance; 2) regional fat, estimated by anthropometric measures; and 3) atherogenic blood lipids, measured by, total serum cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C, triglycerides.
  • A new door through the wall to number 80 provides the end point to the tour and the start of a visit to the supporting exhibition next door.
  • This depends sensitively on the spectral shape of the response function for the particular biological end point of interest.
  • Figure 2 shows the adjusted incidence rates for myocardial infarction and microvascular end points, both being strongly associated to a similar degree with increasing blood pressure.
  • A self-organization process may be considered to involve three main stages: (i) molecular recognition for the selective binding of the basic components; (ii) growth through sequential and eventually hierarchical binding of multiple components in the correct relative disposition; it may present cooperativity and nonlinear behavior; and (iii) termination of the process, requiring a built-in feature, a stop signal, that specifies the end point and signifies that the process has reached completion. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • She's frustrated with Kate - wants her simply to arrive at an end point without going through the process of getting there.
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