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elementary geometry

  1. (mathematics) geometry based on Euclid's axioms

How To Use elementary geometry In A Sentence

  • The use of elementary geometry method can give conformal demonstration of lineal function in infinite eigenvector.
  • To illustrate this viewpoint, several topics taken from elementary geometry are carefully analyzed.
  • Additionally, the well—known four colour problem and elementary geometry theorem—proving problem have been discussed.
  • The exploratory experiment teaching about calculation of π based on the elementary geometry method is researched.
  • Prominent in the modern elementary geometry of the triangle is the nine - point circle.
  • He was intrigued by an elusive and tantalizing little problem in elementary geometry known as the butterfly problem.
  • Apollonius did for conics what Euclid had done for elementary geometry: both his terminology and his methods became canonical and eliminated the work of his predecessors.
  • The experimental results show that the proposed method can improve reasoning efficiency in evidence, especially in the solution of some complex elementary geometry problems.
  • This case can no longer be handled by elementary geometry.
  • Besides, it can find not only the colliding elementary geometry element pairs but also the precise colliding points.
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