How To Use electrosurgery In A Sentence
- The major modalities in electrosurgery are electrodesiccation, fulguration, electrocoagulation, and electrosection.
- These may range from the practice of making minimal surgical incisions to using electrosurgery, lasers, and ultrasonic scalpels for coagulation of bleeding vessels.
- A number of techniques have been advocated, including dermabrasion, cryosurgery, and excision of hypertrophic tissue by electrosurgery or with a laser.
- The surgeon uses electrosurgery, if needed, to stop bleeding and then evacuates tissue pieces from the bladder.
- He transects the cystic duct and divides the cystic artery with electrosurgery before removing the gallbladder.
- For example, patients with a small number of lesions can be quickly and effectively treated with ablation treatment, such as cryotherapy or electrosurgery.
- The surgeon coagulates any superficial bleeding vessels with bipolar electrosurgery.
- The surgeon coagulates any superficial bleeding vessels with bipolar electrosurgery and uses a periosteal elevator to separate the periosteum from the bone.
- Surgical excision, dermabrasion, electrosurgery and cryosurgery may be curative.
- The surgeon uses unipolar or bipolar electrosurgery to place a midline anterosuperior mark on the inner perichondrium.