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electron microscope

  1. a microscope that is similar in purpose to a light microscope but achieves much greater resolving power by using a parallel beam of electrons to illuminate the object instead of a beam of light

How To Use electron microscope In A Sentence

  • Samples of renal cortical tissue from mice were examined with the electron microscope.
  • Analyses are being made by traditional and state-of-the-art methods including standard petrography, cathodoluminescence, scanning electron microscope/backscattered electron imaging with energy dispersive X-ray analyses, X-ray energy mapping, and ultraviolet fluorescence. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • While Zippy has the attention span of a goldfish, his wife has the focus of an electron microscope.
  • Designed much like a compound microscope, the electron microscope uses a beam of electrons focused through magnetic lenses.
  • The first descriptions of the nexin links are coincident with the earliest electron microscope studies of flagellar structure.
  • METHODS We used scan electron microscope to study tengcha' s leaf and leafstalk that were the main medicinal parts.
  • An optical light microscope or a scanning electron microscope can be used to see these ‘invisible’ cracks.
  • A scanning electron microscope can see both clearly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not least, these germs have a habit of looking beautiful and haunting when seen under an electron microscope. Times, Sunday Times
  • Designed much like a compound microscope, the electron microscope uses a beam of electrons focused through magnetic lenses.
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