How To Use electroencephalographic In A Sentence
- Methods To analyze clinical and electroencephalographic data of 36 BECT patients.
- As far as dharana, dhyana and samadhi are concerned, they are similar to some meditational techniques such as transcendental meditation developed by Mahesh Yogi, Some studies are available on these, where electroencephalographic and electromyography techniques are utilized alongwith other methodologies; involving autoanalyzer, spectrophotometry etc. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
- Just as a personal computer emits a characteristic sound whenever its central processing unit is transferring information to or from or the hard drive, the human brain emits a characteristic electrical brain wave response, known as a P300 and a MERMER (memory and encoding related multifaceted electroencephalographic response), whenever the subject responds to a known stimulus. Brain Fingerprinting - Ruled Admissable