How To Use elected official In A Sentence
- Elected officials, he lectured, should not speak unthinkingly, but rather, when doubts exist, keep silent.
- Steve is also a local, now living in the town where I was an elected official.
- Let us walk away with the lessons of this," Gray told the crowd of dozens of employees, after adding that such an incident can "intimidate" elected officials from participating in outreach such as Rep. Gabrielle Giffords's event Saturday. D.C. government observes moment of silence for Ariz. victims
- Instead, the governor would require simply that elected officials disclose fully and completely all contributions to their campaigns.
- What do we get from these unelected officials? Times, Sunday Times
- The term lame duck refers to an elected official who has lost an election, or soon will be leaving office, during the period between the election and the date a successor will take over.
- The Post's Michael Laris writes about a small Republican enclave in heavily Democratic Montgomery County, where voters sometimes feel disconnected from the elected officials making the decisions. Lori's A.M. Buzz: Who's calling, please?
- I have faith in democratically elected officials as I know I can always vote again if dissatisfied.
- Elected officials come and go, but the military potentates, policies and budgets go on and on.
- Category: Health Care | Comment (RSS) 4 Comments morganovich: the IMAB will be the controller of rationing and service denial. the fact that they can cut anything they want without any approval by elected officials makes them pretty much suzerain of government healthcare. whether they become a “death panel” or whatever is not necessarily clear, but they certainly have to power to be. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Health Care Bill Timeline