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elastic modulus

  1. (physics) the ratio of the applied stress to the change in shape of an elastic body

How To Use elastic modulus In A Sentence

  • The bulk elastic modulus of the collagen gels was measured using a stress-controlled rheometer with a 4°, 40-mm cone and plate geometry.
  • The calculation method of the elastic modulus of bell-shaped Metal Rubber (MR) isolator was investigated.
  • Cars are complex objects that represent the outcomes of literally millions of discrete compromises governing everything from, say, the elastic modulus of an engine mount to the degree of sassiness in the rake of a windshield. The Best Sports Car, and Why to Skip It
  • After lasing, there was no statistically significant reduction in overall yield stress, ultimate stress, or elastic modulus when comparing the lased and the nonlased tissue.
  • The advantage of the new approach is that the elastic modulus associated with shear waves varies greatly between different types of tissue.
  • Soil elastic modulus or resilient modulus can be measured in laboratory using dynamic triaxial tests or resonant column test.
  • This is achieved by choosing a material with a large elastic modulus, a low density and a large value of the maximum allowable strain before permanent deformation occurs.
  • With equivalent hydraulic model developed , elastic modulus of fractured rock may be modified with fracture properties.Sentence dictionary
  • Tõ ®iÓn ThuËt ng÷ CÇu §­êng Anh - ViÖt Dynamic load T¶i träng ®éng Dynamic loading çngÕp t¶i ®éng Dynamic modulus of elasticity Mo®un ®µn håi ®éng Dynamic stress øng suÊt ®éng Dynamic test Thö nghiÖm ®«ng häc E Early strength concrete Bª t«ng ®¹t c­êng ®é sím Earth cover Thanh c¨ng Earth pressure ¸p lùc ®Èy cña ®Êt Earth, soil §Êt Earthquake §éng ®Êt Earthquake T¸c ®éng cña ®éng ®Êt Earthquake forces Lùc ®éng ®Êt Eccentric loading DÆt t¶i lÖch t©m Eccentric tendon C¸p dù øng lùc ®Æt lÖch t©m eccentrical compression NÐn lÖch t©m Eccentrically compressed members CÊu kiÖn chÞu nÐn lÖch t©m Eccentricity §é lÖch t©m Eddie current testing Ph­¬ng ph¸p kiÓm tra b»ng dßng Edge beam DÇm biªn Edge beam, exterior girder DÇm biªn, dÇm ngoµi cïng edge-bar Reinforcement Cèt thÐp mÐp Effective area of reinforcement DiÖn tÝch cã hiÖu cña cèt thÐp Effective depth ChiÒu cao cã hiÖu Effective depth at the section ChiÒu cao cã hiÖu cña mÆt c¾t Effective flange width ChiÒu réng cã hiÖu cña b¶n c¸nh Effective flange Width BÒ réng cã hiÖu cña b¶n c¸nh Effective modulus M«dun cã hiÖu qu¶ Effective presstress Dù øng suÊt cã hiÖu Effective prestress after loses Dù øng suÊt cã hiÖu sau mäi mÊt Effective span NhÞp cã hiÖu Effective stress øng suÊt cã hiÖu Effective width (of T girder) ChiÒu réng cã hiÖu (cña dÇm T) Effective width of slab BÒ réng cã hiÖu cña b¶n Efflorescence è mÇu trªn bÒ mÆt bª t«ng Elastic analysis Ph©n tÝch ®µn håi (®èi víi kÕt cÊu) elastic Deformation BiÕn d¹ng ®µn håi Elastic deformation BiÕn d¹ng ®µn håi elastic Design ThiÕt kÕ dÎo Elastic design ThiÕt kÕ ®µn håi Elastic limit Giíi h¹n ®µn håi Elastic loss MÊt m¸t ®µn håi Elastic modulus Mo®un ®µn håi Elastic shortening Co ng¾n ®µn håi 20 of 59 Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • In view of the elastic modulus of hydroxyapatite being at least three orders of magnitude larger than that of collagen, this seems to be quite natural.
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