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[ UK /ɪlˈænd/ ]
[ US /ˈiɫənd/ ]
  1. either of two large African antelopes of the genus Taurotragus having short spirally twisted horns in both sexes

How To Use eland In A Sentence

  • Ireland does not have another manufacturing facility with a similar capacity to absorb glass cullet (crushed glass).
  • Like a lot of boys born in Ireland circa 1979 and 1980, my brother too bears a name that betrays his vintage.
  • Plans include occasional stops at Central Terminal, which saw its last passenger train in 1979, and special excursions through the region to destinations such as Niagara Falls, Medina, Jamestown and even Cleveland. The Buffalo News: Home
  • As he rose in society, his romantic entanglements damaged his career and he returned to his former sweetheart in Ireland. Times, Sunday Times
  • Leif Eiriksson landed in Vineland in the year 10001. American Friends Service Committee - Nobel Lecture
  • I felt a bit like a torpefied Superman a lot of times - Ireland is my Cryptonite, when I'm there I can't do anything, I have to be outside the country.
  • Mr Ireland claimed that the case had cost him his job as a school bus driver. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rob also reckons that the south-west coast of Ireland has some of the best sailing grounds in the world - particularly around Roaring Water Bay in West Cork.
  • Now that I think about it, direct property distraint was a recognized means of compelling welchers to fulfill their obligations in the quasi-anarchic Brehon laws of Celtic Ireland, even if it was a case of tenants or debtors going after landlords or creditors. Shameless Self-promotion Sunday #30
  • Ireland we say 'aitch' that is the Presbyterians do - for some reason which escapes me Catholics say 'haitch' - another argument for integrated education. Behind the scenes at the UK's highest court
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