How To Use Elamite In A Sentence
His asides on Brahui (the Dravidian language that may be a missing link between India and the Persian-empire tongue Elamite) and Ket (the Siberian language with plausible ties to Navajo) are as diverting as anything in his book.
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In 1844, he scaled the almost sheer cliffs of Bisitun, in Persia, copying relief sculptures and their accompanying cuneiform inscriptions in Old Persian, Elamite and Babylonian.
Proto-Elamitepreceded a partially deciphered script, Linear Elamite, used in thesame area 750 years later.
It was only in the year 645 BCE that king Assurbanipal, taking advantage of the weakness of the Elamite kingdom, set out to right that ancient wrong.
Archive 2008-01-01
Elamite names of Tišpak and Šušinak, "the Susian goddess.
The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria

They were written in Elamite, the language of the Persian chancellery, and deal with economic transactions up till 493.